Things to do in Tallinn after midnight

Liia Svimonishvili
TalTech Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2019

If you are new to the topic of nightlife in Tallinn, here is a short guide based on the 2 years of my going out experience

It is no secret TalTech is the biggest university in Estonia which also happens to be the most international. That is the reason why Tallinn never runs out of all kinds of events for students. One can argue the choice is not that big compared to other European capitals but I got used to the way things work here pretty fast so it is at least worth trying, right? Obviously, you can simply track all of events on Facebook and choose whatever seems the most fun but I still think my tips might come in handy.

Among the most popular clubs in Tallinn are Hollywood and Studio: the two places you can always count on. Both host a few regular events and sometimes have one-time parties as well. The most well-known among students and also my favourite events are Flex and Aloha at Hollywood and Blaze, Blow, Homework and All-in at Studio. The smaller clubs and bars you might be interested in checking out too are Mynt, Pada, Laev, Gruuv, Peatus, Sveta Baar and others. There are also events that move from one location to another like Bianca or Grind and if these are not enough for you, there are parties organised by TalTech exclusively for the students and anyone else related to the university.

The general rules you should follow when choosing a party:

  1. Do not expect anything too exciting if you go out in the middle of the week and remember that it is best you pick events that take place on either Friday or Saturday.
  2. Check how many people have chosen “going” on the event’s Facebook page (yeah, it does matter) if you don’t wanna end up dancing with two friends of yours in a dark empty room.
  3. If you are picky about what kind of music they play at clubs always check the event’s line-up on Facebook — they are not all the same, trust me on that one.

Also, some tips to make your experience even better:

  1. Do not get too wasted (you can actually apply this one to any going out experience, works worldwide) and make sure you know how to get home. Keep in mind that there is no public transport at night but you can always get a taxi — Bolt and Yandex.Taxi apps are easy to use and luckily for you work 24/7.
  2. Have some cash on you but not too much of it. For example, the coat check is usually 1 euro and easier to pay in cash and since it is freezing cold Estonia we are talking about I am guessing you will be needing that feature most of the time you go out.
  3. Always have your ID on you. Otherwise, you will not get into a single club.
  4. RSVP because “A penny saved is a penny earned” © Benjamin Franklin. Check events’ Facebook pages for more tickets and special offers information.
  5. Big events like Flex and Aloha sometimes mean additional waiting time in lines outside the clubs — make sure you check the weather forecast and wear some actual clothes, save the crazy outfits for when you are finally inside the club.
  6. If you’re not 21 yet, check the age limit since it may vary from time to time. Most of the events are 18+, though, so calma.

That’s it for today, hope you all have learned something of use. Have fun and do your homework!



Liia Svimonishvili
TalTech Blog

Taltech grad. Marketing @Bolt. Instagram, Facebook, Telegram @almosttennisplayer