Journey to Estonia

Hakan Karaoglu
TalTech Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2020

Why did you choose Estonia?

“Why did you leave a sunny area for a place that is usually cold?” I have been asked this question many times before and my answer is simple, travelling to Estonia is worth the 12 hours and 41 minutes flight from Antigua because the experience received is priceless. I first learnt of Estonia from a fellow Antiguan who was completing his final year of studies. I then decided to do some research of my own and the information that was unveiled was absolutely amazing! As a student, one of your main concerns will be managing your finances. Estonia affords you the opportunity to live comfortably while maintaining a social life. For instance, public transportation is free with your student ISIC card or bus card. Also, you are eligible to receive discounts at restaurants, the movies, travelling and the list goes on.

I am in love with nature and I knew a part from studying I will be engulfed in my surrounding areas. Estonia’s beautifully constructed buildings along with cobble stone streets have the perfect medieval feel while tossing in that 21st century flair. The views in the Old Town are undeniably breath-taking and gives you that deserving time to rejuvenate from intense studying.

Why did you choose Tallinn University of Technology?

Despite the fact that Estonia is a small Baltic country in Europe, the Government takes pride in technological developments. I strongly believe learning is effective when technology is incorporated. Once I discovered lectures can be followed using the Moodle site and professors who encourage the use of technology in their lectures that was a plus for me. To add to this decision, TalTech has one of the best library facilities that I have seen and provides you with electronic and physical materials that are useful for any assignment that you will need to complete.

What do you think about the programme you are studying?

I am currently studying Bachelors of Law. The course requires research, facts, confidence and the ability to articulate these three. I am able to learn the fundamentals of International and European Law which allows me to utilize these skills learnt in the Caribbean community. The professors promote team work within the classroom which encourages unity and learning different perspectives on a topic. Also, the professors supervise these groups and are approachable if you need assistance with completing a task. Everyone loves a good mystery and seeing justice being enforced in our society. Tallinn Law School provides you with the tools to make it a reality.

