Master’s Degree in Law at TalTech

Did you know that in TalTech you can continue your studies in MA Law programme even if you have Bachelor’s degree in any other field than law?

Alexander Chanadiri
TalTech Blog
2 min readAug 19, 2021


Today TalTech offers a number of international study programmes in various fields. Among them, the law studies have a long history of excellence proven by the years of academic research at the School of Business and Governance. Here students have an opportunity to study technology and business law on master’s level and get a hands-on knowledge in this rapidly evolving field. Even if a student doesn’t have a previous degree in law, it is possible to apply to this programme after successfully passing the prerequisite courses before the admission (36 ECTS). This can be done in any university that provides such courses, including TalTech. Here students can put together an individual study curriculum through Open University programme. The description of the law courses can be found here. The applicants can cover the topics of civil law, contract law, constitutional law, EU law, administrative law, criminal law, property law through following courses:

MOA3030 Comparative Constitutional Law and Human Rights Law
MOA3040 Introduction to Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
MOE3020 Legal Syllogism and the General Part of Civil Law Systems
MOE3030 Introduction to Property Law and Intellectual Property Law
MOL3010 Foundations of European Contract Law
HOL6010 European Union Law
MOA3020 Foundations of law and Legal Theory

The experience shows that students who pass prerequisite courses first and then apply to MA Law programme at TalTech come from very different backgrounds including medicine, IT, public administration, economy, business, international relations, psychology and other. Some students say they want to continue studying because they need legal knowledge at their current job, others have just decided to become lawyers.

Most of them chose the programme because of the specialisation — business and technology. No doubt that digital business market, online transactions and cyber security are keywords for future labour market. Already today there is a lack of lawyers who possess knowledge in these specific areas.

The registration deadline for courses in Open University is 27 of August, 2021.

Learn more about the MA Law programme here and Open University courses here.

