Rob Schubert: I’m very happy with how my life went

Rob Schubert from the Netherlands has graduated from Digital Health MSc programme.

Svitlana Kharchenko
TalTech Blog
4 min readJun 29, 2021


During two years of his Master’s he has discovered and made himself home in a new country, met a number of great international people and even founded a startup with his course mates. Here is Rob’s reflection on his study years, the course of his life, the opportunities he took and the plans he is making for the future.

Rob Schubert

The beginning of two beautiful years

I’ve met so many international and local friends, explored the surrounding and was positively surprised how beautiful is Estonia. I admit I knew way too little about it before coming.
There are of course so many things and events to remember in these years, but the most memorable moment I have experienced with TalTech was probably a conference in Helsinki at the very beginning of the first semester. We were still not that used to each other but the whole day in Helsinki and a long ride on the ferry there and back really bonded us. And so it marked a start of two beautiful years ahead.
Another thing is that most of my time here fell on the period of pandemic but I was positively surprised how quickly and effectively the adjustments were introduced. I remember the day when the emergency situation in Estonia was just announced. We had a class at the East Tallinn Hospital and were vividly discussing what was going to happen. The next day we already had online classes set up, just in one day. To me it shows how technology-savvy is Estonia and especially TalTech.

“It is outside your comfort zone where you grow the most”

This great group of people

I already had a little reflection moment while discussing with my classmates how much we missed seeing each other the way it used to be during the normal times. Great mix of people around me is also definitely what made me enjoy the studies so much. So many different backgrounds, nationalities, experiences, we learned a lot from each other. So even just a social aspect of this great group of people I’m going to miss the most.

“I believe I have matured a lot”

Maybe it is hard to see the change in yourself with your own eyes, but actually quite often I hear from people who had known me for a longer time that I have changed a lot. I believe I have matured a lot. I have lived abroad in the international environment before, but this time it was for a longer period of time and in a place where I couldn’t speak the local language and so it really forced me to get out of my comfort zone. I’m a big believer that it is outside of your comfort zone where you grow the most.
And of course I founded a startup here . Hence my professional development also advanced. I bought my first apartment. Thus, even though I still don’t feel like it yet (laughing) adulting is starting now.

“I have made the best choices I could have made”

“Probably the best decision I made”

I think the whole decision of coming to study in Estonia was probably the best decision I made in my life even though I didn’t give it that much thought back then. And now thinking back about all these experiences for the past two years I realize it couldn’t have been better for my personal growth. I’m very happy with who I am right now and with my life here and there’s really not much that I would like to change. On the contrary, despite some challenges I’m very happy with how my life went. Plus, thanks to well-organized online studies I don’t feel I have wasted any time. I have made all the best choices I could have made.

What do you think when you hear “TalTech”?

The university and academic staff are very well-connected to the industry and we had a lot of lectures by high-profile people, which was very beneficial for our professional development.
The university itself is very future-oriented, looking at the next steps to take in technological landscape of Estonia.
And finally — great support of entrepreneurship next to the studies with the whole Mektory facilities but also with how much professors encourage thinking into business direction. It is something that you don’t easily find somewhere else. And it is probably the key aspect I would highlight to others when they are thinking about going to TalTech.

“I’ll enjoy the summer and think what’s next”

What’s next

I have a few options among which there’s of course the startup we founded. So far I’m still the CEO and I’m very excited about keeping this development going. But also since writing my thesis about the next eHealth strategy of Europe — European Health Data Space — I’m already thinking about cooperating with the European Union to actually evolve the whole continent into this improvement. Maybe it can also be a combination of these two large projects. So far I will enjoy summer in Estonia and think about what’s next during white summer nights.

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Svitlana Kharchenko
TalTech Blog

Immigrant and traveler. Info yoga and all things sustainable. Foreign languages and countries enthusiast.