Studies. Work. Life: Almaz Kydyrmin

Exciting or exhausting: what is it like to study and work at the same time? TalTech students tell Student Ambassadors their experience

Aizhas Beisembay
TalTech Blog
5 min readOct 20, 2021


The first story comes from the 3rd year Cyber Security student Almaz where he covers topics that many prospective and current students are interested in: how to manage work-life-studies balance, how to find a job in Estonia, what to keep in mind when working in the IT industry and many others.

Tell me a bit about yourself, where are you from, what do you study and where do you work?

My name is Almaz Kydyrmin, I am from Kazakhstan and I am completing my final year of BSc in Cyber Security Engineering. Starting from mid-summer I have been working at Thorgate as a Full Stack Software Developer.

How did you get into the company, how did you hear about the position and how long was the probation period?

I believe that Thorgate is a well-known company for many Estonian Python enthusiasts. Every 2 weeks there are Code Club sessions at IT College where anyone can learn Python, enjoy pizza and get assistance from Thorgate developers. You can solve tasks at PySpace or work on your own project. Furthermore, there is an annual event called PyCon which is also organized by Thorgate.
When it comes to how I got into the company, I was fortunate to get a referral from one of my teammates from the amateur football club I used to play for. This, I believe, increased my chances of getting the job. The probation period was supposed to be 4 months but it was over for me earlier, after a bit more than 2 and a half months. I was doing alright, I guess [laughing].

So playing football and eating pizza landed you a job?

Pretty much [laughing].

What do you like the most about your company?

There are many things I like, but the one I want to point out to and really appreciate is the support I get from senior developers. I’ve had many pair programming sessions with other developers and it helps me get familiarized with the projects faster.

What are your thoughts on the Estonian job market? How easy or difficult is it to land a job?

To be honest, the competition in the IT market is very high. But fortunately there are many opportunities too. Summer programs, for example.
In my case, I had a four month internship in my home country before joining Thorgate. This definitely benefited me. Knowing guys from the company helped as well. Networking is important, but hard skills also play a big role. In fact, it is always good to have a pet project to add to your portfolio. Overall, getting a job offer is neither super easy nor super challenging. You have to make sure you work hard and believe in yourself.

What is it like to manage full-time studies and a job? How do you make sure you meet all the deadlines? What is the most difficult thing about it?

Work-life-studies balance is very important in order to not burn yourself out. What is great is that employees in Estonia are entitled to up to 30 calendar days of academic leave per year for their educational purposes. Currently, I take an academic leave every Thursday.
One great tool I apply daily is the Pareto principle. It helps me in all life aspects: studies, work and negotiations, when needed. Overall, in my opimion, combining work and studies is not that difficult unless your work differs a lot from what you are studying.

What are your tips to students who also want to manage full-time studies and a job?

In case you are planning to start working or interning during your second or third year of studies, I would recommend taking a bit more than the average study load in your first year. Doing this, you will make sure you don’t have too much on your plate during the final year.

Do you apply your university knowledge to your day-to-day work?

University has been very helpful. I am thankful to every single professor I’ve had. Before TalTech my knowledge of IT was a bit above zero, just one basic C++ course. But after the first year I was able to work as a Python tutor at an Educational Center in my hometown. During the fourth semester I already started my internship. I like the curriculum a lot and have no doubts in recommending our progam to others.

What do you like the most about TalTech?

I really appreciate the fact that we have professors who work at IT companies at the same time. They teach what they use at work and it helps students to learn contemporary technologies that are needed today. But of course, theoretical lectures conducted by experienced professors are crucial as well. The combination of both of these is what I like the most at our university.

What are your next career and academic goals?

Coming to my professional career, I see lots of opportunities to grow at Thorgate. I don’t think I will leave anywhere in the next couple of years. Perhaps later on I will consider unicorns or bigger companies as my next destination.
It is a bit trickier when it comes to my academic career. I learn lots of on-demand things at work and what I noticed is that sometimes it can take time for universities to start teaching something new. But as I have a long-term goal of becoming a professor and coming back to Kazakhstan to make an impact on the country’s IT industry, I am willing to continue my education. I will most likely apply for a Master’s right after graduating from TalTech, because I don’t think I will be able to come back to my current student lifestyle. I am not yet sure where to apply, but the last program I took a look at is the shared Software Engineering program of TalTech and Tartu University.

