The Life of a Law Student at TalTech

Although Estonia has great opportunities in the technological field, there are many other programs that you can choose from; I chose law. I decided to pursue my Bachelor of Arts in Law at TalTech because the curriculum consisted of both International law and European Union law. This program allows me to have a vast understanding of the subject that governs and holds our society together whilst not being limited to one jurisdiction. This program enables me to be adept in law, thus, allowing me to advance my studies in many other countries and eventually practicing law.

Kaiszia Celestine
TalTech Blog
3 min readApr 10, 2020


In my first year of my studies at TalTech, we did many courses that did not seem like they were related to Law. It was compulsory to do courses such as IT Foundations, Statistics, Entrepreneurship and much more, but I must say I fully enjoyed these. Not only did these courses make me a more well-rounded student, but they improved my skills for my legal courses as well. Now, as a law student, I’m proficient in Python, I can make a business plan, and do a killer research project, in addition to my other legal courses. At one point, I was pursuing 7 courses at once, which was quite difficult as I was also working. As a student, doing many courses can be a bit overwhelming, but once you have the diligence and motivation to succeed, you are able to pursue anything.

In my second year at TalTech, all my courses are law-related. The courses are more in depth in the field and becoming more difficult as the months go by. A lot of people have a fear of pursuing law with hopes of becoming a lawyer, but they are discouraged to do so because they believe that law is difficult. From my experience, once you are passionate about the course that you decide to pursue, you will, without a doubt, do well in it. When you are a full time student and also working, it can be quite discouraging as well, because of the money that you are making. It is important to remember the reason why you started pursuing your studies and where you would like to be in the future. I also believe that using a planner is and motivating apps, such as Eternal Sunshine, can be a great asset for your mental health.

In my two years at TalTech, I have unquestionably learned many skills that are attributable to my career as a future lawyer. I definitely recommend studying this course at TalTech, due to its well-rounded curriculum, and the helpful and admirable professors. On the other hand, the people and the friends that I have made at TalTech are friends that I will have forever! Law school would not be the same without the amiable and supportive friends that I have met.



Kaiszia Celestine
TalTech Blog

lover of great food & good juju🏖; new experiences make some great fun too