Tips for a Thesis Defense Presentation

Shamaise Peters
TalTech Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2020

The autumn semester is gradually coming to an end, and students are preparing their thesis project plans and selecting supervisors towards achieving the goal of completing a degree within their field of study.

If this is your first time presenting a Thesis project or perhaps you need a refresher on aspects to consider when delivering a thesis defense presentation, then I believe this is the perfect read for you to be better prepared before approaching your final and vital chapter to graduate.

The tips I will share in this blog is based on advice from mentors, lecturers at Tal Tech University and also attending other thesis defenses during the period of reading a BA in European Union and International Law. See below a summarized version of some tips for a successful thesis defense!

  1. Do not Read from a Script.

At this stage of the thesis project, the committee members and second reader have read over 30 pages of your writing and is expecting a delivery of your work. I am convinced that, being able to capture and maintain the audience’s attention is essential and reading word for word from a script or the PowerPoint may easily distract the listener. It may also appear you are not familiar with the content of the work, and this is not the deportment you may want to portray at this stage.
To better handle the anxiety of public speaking, consider preparing in advance by doing the following:
• Practising the speech with friends or colleagues will help you with controlling your tone of voice, eye contact and maintaining good body language.
• As an alternative to a script, use cue cards with fundamental ideas of each point that you need to address.
Remember you have a limited time to explain the research purpose, results and recommendations of the study, use the time given effectively with your delivery.

2. Prepare a Concise Powerpoint

It is ideal to have a limited amount of words on each of your PowerPoint slide. This is precisely the reason for owning your presentation, articulating your ideas to the Committee Members and the audience, as stated above. Also, the simpler the slides, the better. I suggest using diagrams or graphs to display the results or content. Consider the following structure to guide your presentation:
• Topicality
• Hypothesis
• Research Problem
• Research Purpose
• Research Question
• Discussion
• Outcome
• Implications

3. Prepare a list of possible Questions & Answers

Questions are often raised by the Committee Members not to impede on your success but rather to test your knowledge or perhaps ask for clarity where necessary. To be better prepared for this section, analyze your thesis and think of possible questions that may arise from specific sections. In the event, you may not know the direct answer to a question, consider the following:
It’s my considered*** opinion that… ***Suggests that you have thought a lot about the subject.
Remember it is not a good answer to say “ I do not know.’’

4. Dress to Impress

The thesis meeting is a formal event, that can be considered as an interview, and the attire you wear does not directly affect your delivery. Still, according to recent studies, it can help “boost your confidence, the way people perceive you, and even how you’re able to think abstractly.’’

You are an expert in the field of your study and have spent hours writing your Thesis. It is time to deliver an excellent thesis defense presentation!

See this link below for tips on writing a Thesis ;)

