Top 3 places to visit in Estonia this summer

TalTech Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2021
Blue Springs of Saula


Blue Springs of Saula have three large springs with a water flow of about 30 m per second. This place is best visited during the spring and summer seasons of Estonia. The colour variations of the springs (greenish-blue, brownish-black and greyish blue) is caused by light reflecting through the clear waters on the sand particles.

Legend has it that the water of the springs heals all ailments if you sacrifice money or beads. So make sure you visit this place and offer something, or else risk being haunted by a sprite called Blue Springs Tölp! :p

Glehn Park, Tallinn

GLEHN PARK, a forest park full of architectural and artistic curiosities

Glehn Park, located in the outskirts of Tallinn, was built by Nikolai von Glehn, an eccentric landowner. The grounds include a palm house, a castle and an observatory tower. The most interesting aspect of this park are the sculptures. The Glehn Park hiking trail is 2.5 kms long and part of the Nõmme-Harku Health Parks. It makes for a great day out with friends or for a quiet hiking stroll.

Keila Waterfall


Keila waterfall is located on Keila River and stands 6 meters high.
It is the third largest waterfall in Estonia and the landscape of this beautiful natural place can be explored over a three km Keila-Joa Park nature trail.

Spending time in nature is the best way to find internal balance, clarity and a higher sense of happiness. Estonia is blessed with natural landscapes (forests, parks, water bodies) and its a shame not to explore these places and be one with nature again. Happy exploring :)

For more information on places to visit in Estonia, check out

