Which courses would give you a head start in career? Edi listed his favourites in TalTech

Hakan Karaoglu
TalTech Blog
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2020

Introduction: Like any young adults from your neighborhood, Edi played ice hockey, traveled to neighboring countries for holiday with his family, did not do well in maths, harbored idea of studying abroad, and had a vague vision of where his future might be. The breakthrough came in 2012 when he chose to study International Business Administration in TalTech.

Exposed to more options, Edi slowly found his bearings and went ahead to give a speech during the graduation ceremony, as the first international student to do so in TalTech history.

Edi, what brought you to TalTech and Estonia? How long have you been living in Tallinn?

I got to know the possibility of studying at TalTech via my former ice hockey team member, whose brother was studying in one university in Tallinn. Before that I had harbored the idea of studying abroad, because it felt like a good investment for the future. When I was young, I traveled around Estonia with my family and got to know the place before moving here. That also helped me not to feel like a total stranger in the beginning. I moved here in 2012 and have lived here for the past 6+ years.

What is the most memorable moments during your studies at TalTech?

There are many great moments, such as making new friends from different countries and cultures, graduating after receiving a “five” from my thesis, being the first international student to deliver a speech at our graduation ceremony — an event that is worth being written into TalTech history.

What were your favorite courses or subjects in the study programme? Why?

I liked all the marketing courses, language courses (Business English, Russian & Estonian), the Excel course and Financial Management course, in which I wasn’t so good at that time, but nowadays the things I learned back then are invaluable for me today.

I highly value the demanding mathematics and accounting courses I had. I didn’t like calculus, because I haven’t done well in them after elementary school. After being obligated to push hard in order to pass the courses, my attitude was profoundly changed towards these subjects and calculus in general. Today I think those courses are really important in business and they have helped me in my young career.

If you need to describe Estonia in one sentence to a total stranger, what would you say?

It is a country with many different and great possibilities, with rich culture and lots of things to see and experience.

Would you recommend TalTech to other students? Why?

Absolutely! It has a true international environment with modern facilities and a cosy library for study work. The level of study is also rather high and demanding. Most of the professors are really proficient in their fields, from whom you can really learn new things.

Do you have any suggestions to TalTech or your Faculty so that we could improve teaching and research quality?

Some kind of obligatory career info session would be good to have for the new students, so that they could get some kind of idea why they would need to learn specific subjects and what possibilities the Estonian labor market has to offer. I believe it would increase the motivation to learn a variety of different subjects and give at least an initial direction to some of the students.

Any other comments, tips, advices that you would like to share with us and potential international students?

TalTech might not be the most well-known university in the world, but if you believe in the path you have chosen and if you believe in yourself and what you do, combined with the things and subjects you have learned in TalTech, it will make all the difference for you.

I recommend the new students and the soon to be graduating to explore the opportunities on the local labor market. The pay may not be what you would like to receive, especially in the beginning, but I can assure you it will benefit you later on in life and future career.

What are you doing now after graduating? In what way that your experiences at TalTech helps you to reach current position?

After graduating I have worked in two different jobs, First in Viking Line Eesti at a call centre as a sales agent and later as a shift supervisor. I worked there for four years, I started there during my studies. While I couldn’t move on there to next position, I decided to change job and found a suitable position in Fujitsu Estonia. I have worked there for a year now as a specialist in the supply chain department. Currently I am really happy with my work.

I have also an interest towards stocks and real estate, which are kind of my hobbies and what I like to do.

TalTech has given me a wide understanding of many things like economics, marketing, finance and management. It has also helped me to find my way and interests in life to pursue my dreams. I have got many positive experiences and confidence during my studies and as a result of all these, I reached the current point and position in my career and life.

End notes: A business degree is an excellent foundation for a career, but it´s just a foundation. You will need to put in some extra work to turn that degree into a career. This can be achieved by networking, focusing on a niche that makes you stand out, learning how to present your ideas in a written form, developing your skills, being flexible, and above all, being patient. Building a career takes time, and your first job won´t be your last. Pick a job with perspective and growth in mind. A business degree is more like a Swiss Army knife. You must put the time and effort into figuring out what all those different tools are good for in your future career.

TalTech´s Bachelor in International Business Administration is just the starting point that you are searching for.

