Will to master alternative energy materials science and engineering has brought Ender to Estonia. Ender shared his TalTech experience

Hakan Karaoglu
TalTech Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2020

Will to master alternative energy materials science and engineering has brought Ender to Estonia. Ender shared his TalTech experience

Ender is a second year master degree student in Materials and Processes for Sustainable Energetics.

What has brought you to TalTech and Estonia, Ender?

After my bachelor degree in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, I felt a need for a unique specialization beyond those traditional fields. Material science and renewable energy engineering were both interesting me since I was studying my bachelor. Therefore, I found such a Master program at TalTech which includes these disciplines.

What do you like most about studying at TalTech/living in Tallinn?

First of all, the master program I study at TalTech highly motivates me because my program is flexible, innovative and based on self-development. Here I have time to focus on study subjects of my own interests. I also have gained real laboratory experience and practice thanks to the great support of my professors and instructors. At TalTech, Education system is definitely based on problem-solving and giving support to students, as it stays away from bureaucratic obstacles. This is an important feature many prestigious universities around the world are lacking.

Tallinn is an optimal city for students and other expats because it is not too big nor small. I think that I can access anything I desire in Tallinn, such as sports activities and events, beautiful nature, free public transportation, coffee shops, pubs, music, theater, history, shopping, healthy food, cute old town and tough winter.

What is the most memorable moment during your studying at TalTech?

I remember our first lecture at TalTech. We were 16 students from different continents around the world and met with the head of the department Professor Andres Öpik. He invited us friendly in the canteen to have coffee together. While drinking the coffees like friends, he told us that “You are all welcome. If you have any kind of problem during your study, find me directly and we will do everything to help you, so please don’t worry. You will have a good time here”. For me, it was a good start to the first week because I had not got such a friendly approach from professors before.

What are your favourite courses or subjects in the study program? Why?

I liked the most having hands-on laboratory experience as having the opportunity of working side by side with real experts of the solar cell materials. This experience gave me confidence. Moreover, the courses which made met gain the special theoretical knowledge are Chemistry for Engineering, Engineering Thermodynamics, Physico-chemical Properties of Materials, Material Characterization, Project & Quality Management and Quantum Mechanics.

If you need to describe Estonia in one sentence to a total stranger, what would you say?

Estonia is the country where innovation and free ideas come in reality.

Would you recommend TalTech and MSc Materials & Processes for Sustainable Energetics to other students? Why?

I recommend with no hesitation Master of Materials and Processes for Sustainable Energetics for prospective students while sustainable energy technologies, especially solar and wind energies gain popularity around the world. It is a unique program, which gives the opportunity of starting a career in the industry of sustainable energy. Professors and instructors are always there ready to dedicate their time for students. However, the most important thing that they lead the students for self-growing and independent work. This master program is not an examination-oriented but is a project developing-based, so it highly corresponds to the needs of the industry.

Do you have any suggestions to TalTech or your Faculty so that we could improve our quality?

I know that in TalTech there are several blocks of student residences. However, I think that student life in these residences are quite isolated because there is no activity room nor a common area where people can meet and socialize. The boxes are already pretty small.

What are you planning to do after graduating?

I am willing to go on the doctoral study in a field of interest. I want to work as a material scientist for developing solar cells and optics. I think that this kind of job will make me feel better. However, opinions may change a lot by the time, especially after you face with realities :)

Any other comments, tips, advices that you would like to share with us and other international students?

I think that they should consider and analyze the risk of living in a new country because settling as a student is far from different than being a tourist. They might face intercultural challenges and small living problems so they should not wait that it would be quite easy. I can suggest them to plan well their time at TalTech.

“In 2009 in cooperation with University of Tartu, TalTech launched a joint master programme Materials and Processes of Sustainable Energetics (KAYM) which teaches different sustainable energy methods. In 2017 the KAYM programme has been fully updated and renovated taking into account new directions in sustainable energy technologies and job market needs.”

