A sweet collage of my book

When the Sun Rose: 4 Life-Changing Moments

A Beautiful Story Written by Barbara Helen Berger


Written by Barbara Helen Berger

Ages 4+ (32 pages)

MY Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars

Berger, Barbara Helen. When the Sun Rose. Philomel Books, 1986

I. It was a Birthday Gift

Have you ever received a gift that you’ve cherished for years? I certainly have.

For my fifth birthday, a classmate’s mother gifted me a picture book. Though the memories of that moment have faded with time, my mom’s joy at the gift was unmistakable. Over the years, we read it together countless times, and she treasured it as much as I did. It eventually found a permanent place in her room, nestled safely among her belongings. She even bought a second copy (the one you see in the picture; she playfully stashed away the first one!). Today, we still have both copies, preserving the cherished memories.

And today, I’ll be reviewing that very picture book from my childhood, When the Sun Rose written and illustrated by Helen Barbara Berger. So, sit back, enjoy, and let’s dive right into it!

II. The Narrative

“When the sun rose, a friend came to visit me.”

An imaginative young girl spends a joyful day with her playmate, who arrives with a pet lion known for savoring blueberries and cream. Together, the two girls indulge in a day filled with doll play and the vibrant strokes of a painted rainbow. After a delightful tea party and an exchange of their dolls’ dresses, the time inevitably comes for her friend’s departure. She bids farewell, disappearing into the embrace of a glowing sunset, with a promise to return. The girl watches her friend’s departure with a tinge of sadness, the world around them casting long shadows as they say their goodbyes.

The story concludes with the girl’s house filled with imaginary bright yellow roses.

“And my house was full of roses.”

Just reading this summary of the book brings joy. It’s incredibly beautiful. Not to mention, the story opens brilliantly, instantly captivating the reader’s interest and anticipation for what lies ahead. It taps into the universal excitement of a child reuniting with their friends, and there’s something truly magical about those with vivid imaginations — they add a special charm to the narrative.

III. The Illustrations

A close picture of the story’s beautiful illustrations

The illustrations in When the Sun Rose have left a lasting impression on me for years. I’ve always adored the artwork, and it never ceases to amaze me. The attention to detail on every page is simply mesmerizing. Take, for instance, the illustration above; it’s a testament to the artist’s incredible skill and precision, each page a work of art with an abundance of details.

The roses, the painting scene, and the cover all contribute to the mesmerizing and enchanting experience it offers. Such attention to detail immerses me into a world of beauty and imagination every time I turn the page, allowing me to fully engage with the story and the artwork.

IV. It’s a Piece of My Childhood

A quote by Sydney Stephans that relates to why “When the Sun Rose” is an important part of my childhood

I’ve cherished When the Sun Rose for as long as I can remember, dating back to my childhood. Its significance to me is immeasurable, and I wouldn’t dream of ever parting with it, no matter the circumstances. This cherished possession has been a constant presence throughout my life.

As I conclude this blog post, I can’t help think about the impact When the Sun Rose on my life. This beloved childhood book has not only filled my early years with joy but has also become a cherished possession that connects me to fond memories of my past. It’s a reminder that the most meaningful gifts often transcend their physical form and hold a special place in our hearts.

Now, I’d love to hear from you, dear readers. We all have our own special childhood books and toys, each with its own beautiful story and importance. So, let’s take a moment to reflect and share. What’s your cherished childhood book? How has it influenced your life? What makes a gift truly special? How can we keep the magic of childhood alive as adults? Feel free to share your stories and insights in the comments below, I would love to hear about them!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Feel free to reach out to me via email, follow my Instagram and consider subscribing to my newsletter for updates!

Thank you,




Tamar’s Writing Corner

Israeli-born, US-raised Hufflepuff with a Library Science degree, passionate about books and feminism, sharing reviews, stories, tips, and recommendations!