Meet Tamar: A Book Lover’s Introduction

Hello, dear readers!

While I’ve introduced myself on the About page, I wanted to start with a brief introductory post to personally welcome you.

Hey there, I’m Tamar, a passionate bookworm with a mission. What’s that mission, you ask? Simple: exploring books, one at a time. Here, at Tamar’s Writing Corner you can expect heartfelt book reviews, lively book recommendations, and a whole lot of bookish love.

Now, it’s the perfect moment to dive into the things I’m passionate about. Join me as we explore my favorite books, beloved authors, and cherished genres. So let’s begin!

An about me collage!

While I’ve shared a bit about myself on the About page, I wanted to take this opportunity to ensure that everyone gets to know a little more about me.

My Journey Through the World of Books…

My love for books and the world of imagination has been a part of me since childhood, but my passion for reading truly ignited a bit later in life. At the age of ten, a childhood friend introduced me to one of her cherished books, Watership Down by Richard Adams. From that moment, my fascination with reading blossomed, and I eagerly delved into the treasures that books had to offer. As someone who has always been introverted, reading became my solace during life’s challenges.

A cute story of a favorite book series of mine

Observing my older siblings engrossed in the enchanting world of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, I felt a determined curiosity to embark on my own magical journey. Suprisingly, I devoured the entire series within a mere few months, and it swiftly claimed its place as my all-time favorite.

Book related interests

I have a wide range of favorite book genres, from the enchanting realms of romance and fantasy to the thrilling landscapes of sci-fi and dystopian. I also find inspiration in memoirs, dive into the visual world of graphic novels and manga, and appreciate the timeless allure of classics. My reading journey knows no bounds!

One of my all-time favorites is Watership Down by Richard Adams. It’s an incredible tale that follows a group of adventurous rabbits through a world filled with challenges, unexpected friendships, and a story that leaves a lasting impact. While it may seem like a children’s book, its depth and themes make it a compelling read for preteens and beyond.

Current Read

I’ve currently immersed myself in The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Within its pages, I’ve discovered the heartrending tale of two sisters navigating a challenging era. Their unbreakable bond is woven through heart-wrenching events, making it a compelling but emotionally impactful read. Stay tuned for a full review once I’ve journeyed through its entirety!

My top three books in 2023

Let’s kick off this literary journey by diving into my top three reads of 2023 so far:

  1. Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton
  2. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
  3. Have I Told This Already? by Lauren Graham

Stay tuned for upcoming reviews on each of these captivating books. I can’t wait to share my thoughts with you!

So there you have it, a little sneak peek into my world of books and more. I’m thrilled to have you join me on this reading adventure! Stay tuned for upcoming reviews, book recommendations, and discussions. Feel free to share your thoughts, recommendations, or just say hello.

You can reach out to me here, follow my Instagram for updates, or subscribe to my newsletter!

Let’s start our bookish Journey Together!

Warm regards,




Tamar’s Writing Corner
Tamar’s BookedBeyond Imagination

Israeli-born, US-raised Hufflepuff with a Library Science degree, passionate about books and feminism, sharing reviews, stories, tips, and recommendations!