Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

Feelings and Prayers

A Poetic Reflection


Sometimes I can’t help but fear

When scary and sad stories are told

And I sleep with tears.

That makes me feel cold

But what can I do not to feel the fear?

I hate walking outside at night

It makes my body shiver

And my shoulders shake in fright

Oh how I wish not to quiver

But stop this feeling and fight

For there’s nothing that could hurt me

I’m safe at home and snuggled tight

The doors are locked and I can see

The moon is shining, it’s strong and bright

For there are those with no house to sleep

It’s sad and hurts my heart, it’s true

To know that some live alone on the streets

It’s not fair and it’s hard to think that you

Have nowhere to go and no one to meet

And I pray that light will help to sweep

The hardships away, so you stop feeling blue

And I pray a new beginning for you to meet

A good home for that’s all I want for you

So please don’t give up, and lift your spirit

For there are those who wish you the best

So brighten up, because I can see it

I won’t be scared, because I know it’s true

And I’ll keep on praying

And so should you

For we must fight for those suffering

We protest and we write, our hearts are true

I hope you enjoyed the poem! Writing poetry isn’t my strong suit, but I thought I’d give it a try. Do any of you write poetry? If so, what do you write about?

Thanks for taking the time to read! Please contact me via email, follow my Instagram, and subscribe to my Newsletter!

I bid you goodnight or good morning, it’s true

So I hope you all have a relaxing sleep or day

And live life to the fullest, so goodbye, and adieu!




Tamar’s Writing Corner
Tamar’s BookedBeyond Imagination

Israeli-born, US-raised Hufflepuff with a Library Science degree, passionate about books and feminism, sharing reviews, stories, tips, and recommendations!