The only people excited on Tax Day…

Tammy Baldwin
Tammy Baldwin for Senate
2 min readApr 17, 2018


Today is Tax Day — and the rich and powerful are probably throwing a party. They’re seeing the first glimpse of the gift the GOP gave them at the end of 2017 when they passed a bill that gives over 80% of the new tax breaks to the wealthiest 1% and big corporations like Exxon, Wells Fargo and pharmaceutical corporations like Pfizer.

I’m disappointed. And I imagine most hardworking Americans are, too. Instead of standing shoulder to shoulder with everyday Americans, the GOP turned their back on them.

Heck, the Koch brothers could make up to a BILLION more a year off of this bill. (And their network is already spending millions to make sure I don’t win reelection.)

It’s irresponsible. It’s immoral. It’s self-serving to the point of absurdity.

I was elected to serve the people of this great state. We need tax laws that do right by them. It’s simple — I believe that Wisconsin working families need a tax cut, so I introduced tax reforms that would help working families keep more of what they earn.

Too often, folks are working more and more, and still can’t get ahead. My Stronger Way Act would let more of those working full time to support their families take advantage of a strengthened Earned Income Tax Credit.

Working families know that every dollar counts, and that it’s alarming to see food, housing, and transportation costs often go up. And the Stronger Way Act would also have the Child Tax Credit keep pace with inflation, meaning more money in the pockets of working families.

Instead of passing the Stronger Way Act, the GOP chose to leave Wisconsin behind.

And their new tax law also adds over a trillion dollars to our national debt and cuts funding for our health care, which the AARP says will result in increased insurance premiums.

This deficit is also driving some in Washington to call for deep cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and could even put nursing home care coverage at risk. That’s unacceptable.

This Tax Day, I’m mad. But I’m also not about to give up the fight for Wisconsin’s working families. Let’s reward hard work, not just wealth.

