Todd Warren
1 min readMar 21, 2014


The snow falls silently on a calm winter day, covering everything with its frosty canopy. There might be hidden embers smoldering in a field from the previous day, and without the snow, those embers could burn the whole farm down. But as the snow falls, the faint glow of those orange embers gets buried beneath the white blanket. And as the snow melts, the embers will be extinguished, the soil will be refreshed, and all things will be new.

If our soul is this farmland, the snow would be our forgiveness, and the embers of our bitterness could be extinguished as naturally and smoothly as snow melts and a new season begins.

We can either continue in life with resentment hanging dark clouds over each subsequent, stagnant season, or we can allow the snowfall of our forgiveness to cover and extinguish, preparing our hearts for the upward movement of growth and effervescence.

