
De Deukans
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2018

from the Cyberbook of Changes.

Dedicated to a new audience.

Parting words to a bystander.

The indifferent

And someone said: ”Let there be no light”, and there was no light. And the darkness embraced all around. Only thin beam of projector has dawned to the land of deep darkness. This is the light of another life. It invites you to watch. Become an invisible indifferent spectator of another’s drama. Here nobody will find you. Nobody will see your hidden intentions and thoughts. The darkness veiled your face and your name will never be uttered.

With serenity of marble statue you seat and watch stranger’s course of life. Here, covered by cinema hall blackness, you feel safe. All that is not your life. This is the life of another. Pictures flash before your eyes lulling sweetly. All this just a dream. All this just someone’s tale.

The laughing child

Sure hand of someone taps on your shoulder. You turn and see the only projector light. You are scared of being caught. You stand up from your seat. And in the backlight, black and flat silhouettes move toward to you. They are so close to you. They surrounded you.

Their faces are unseen, they ask : “Who are you?”

They hear your answer: “I am an audience!”

And they say: “You are the one who never was before.”

Look!- they say. The great spotlight points at you! Everybody is frozen to the spot. They wait for your action. You are in the center of the story. You are in the center of an action. The game has already started.

Forget the name was given to you! Since now on, you are the Player. Like a courageous lion, you take a challenge. You can not sit on the sidelines. You crave for delightful Game. You want to know all secrets and go through trials.

Forget the life that you used to enjoy and hate! Since now on, you are the Player- the man from nowhere. The man with no antecedent. You are the creator and chronicler. You are the Player driven by the thrill of the competition.

Leap into the void — this is the free will of the Player. Have the brass to choose bravely. As if it was a choice of the immortals. With no regrets, live the past as a road dust on the way up. There is no turn back. Nothing exist for you, but only new challenge the Game. Abandon your fears and take a dare.

The Game is a magical map. The three of variants will never stop growing. It will cover whole map of the Game. So let yourself put aside the hesitation, and break the way up. Take a breath and watch up. You do not know what is waiting for you in these lands. The story has already began and you are the author of this story.

Abandon bystander’s cowardice and enter to the confines of the Game. With laughing child sincerity and easiness take a dare!

Look! The great spotlight points at you!

The revenant

But you will not forget the Game coming back to the darkness. For a second, it might seem that you reached the final or even won. Reject this illusion, as a candid warrior rejects the reward for his feat. Now you are the true Player. Remember, the Game has no end, and be ready for the call. Once it accepted you, the Game will never let you go.



De Deukans

De Deukans is a community about the theory and practice of Expanded Narrative.