Is God There?

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2 min readSep 27, 2020

I feel strongly that I need to talk to you about God. I know there are a lot of people who don’t believe that He’s there. I know with certainty that we have a God. I know that he loves us.

He loves you.

Is God There? | Photo by Rodrigo Rodriguez on Unsplash

You might feel like you have made so many mistakes that he couldn’t possibly want you anymore. That is so beyond the truth!

He sent Jesus Christ here for you — Because he knew that you would make those mistakes. He knew I would make the mistakes that I’ve made. He knows everything.

We can’t go back and live in his presence without Jesus Christ. Christ came for us so that we could go and return and live with Him.

We came to this earth so that we could gain mortal bodies and learn what it is like to choose for ourselves. Because before we came here, we didn’t have that option. We were pure and innocent and perfect and incapable of making mistakes.

These bodies have given us that opportunity to make mistakes. And Christ has provided opportunities for us to be forgiven of those mistakes so we can return to his presence.

You are enough.

Ask for forgiveness. He will forgive you. Turn to him. Look for guidance in the scriptures. There is truth available to you.

If you don’t know if he exists, turn to him and ask. God wants you to know that he is there. He is there, and he hasn’t walked away from you.

I know the circumstances in the world right now are concerning and confusing and frustrating and overwhelming to a lot of people. You’re not alone. You’re not the only one feeling scared or unsure of what the future might bring.

But there is one sure thing, God does exist. He is right here looking to you, hoping that these experiences will turn you to him. He wants so desperately to have you look to him. Because when this life is through, this isn’t it.

Don’t give up. Don’t allow yourself to give in to fear or doubt. Look for God, He will let you know he’s there if you really want to know. Ask him. Get down on your knees, even if it’s the first time you’ve ever done it, and ask him if he’s there. He might not answer you right away, it might take some time. He’ll be there though. He’s here with you now, and he loves you.

Turn to him.




Talking about all life’s tangles as a mom, daughter, and friend here on Medium and over at