Breaking Down the Educational System

Aadithyan Rajesh
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2020

An Appropriate Education is the first early funding for a child’s development. Similarly, for the governments and nations, to make their country well educated, their first budget allocation has to be on the education infrastructure in schools and colleges.

Often, when I Speak to friends and colleagues about, they get really excited really fast. They often see it as a path into something they always wanted very badly, which is to address the Exasperated broken system of education we have. A system that hasn’t seen significant innovation in a hundred years. A system that is leaving students behind because of nothing more than Bumbledoms and stagnations. A system that treats students like machines in a factory. A system that they, if only they had the power, could fix with their brilliant vision and ambition.

Let me make this more simpler for you, education we have is sort of distorted because it is more like an impossible thing to be Enhanced. It necessarily has to be difficult because different schools face their own problems. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions. You can’t innovate your own way into the kind of Conventional cost-savings the internet brings because, ultimately, you need TONS of high skilled employees, teachers. And teachers are expensive despite actually being cheaper than their actual worth.

Individual Education?? Sounds fine. But not perfect. But don’t tell me you want your kids being in a classroom without their teachers. What do you think is the more important value of the educational system, students who can solve math problems or students who work together effectively and speak Brilliantly? No one is going to derange teachers away. Being a teacher is probably the most difficult of all current jobs for an AI to manage. If you don’t believe that, then you have never truly taught.

Education right hasn’t innovated much over the last 150 years. Yes, teachers are doing much and innovative and creative stuff during the online education right now. But there’s a reason why it hasn’t changed as much as you want, and that’s because classrooms don’t need to grow legs and start jogging around and doing tricks.

Classrooms are not so Hot, but they’re good to go. Our schools have the potential to transform the lives of students, teachers, parents, and the community by creating a beacon for everyone of what is possible when we enable children to dream and provide them their pathways for achieving those dreams.

Only education can help our society to progress further and education is the only element that is equally significant for all sectors, ethnicities and social groups because it has the power to uplift all of us.

Additionally, I don’t think we have much choice given the Revolution-driven character of the world that we all now inhabit. We are doing a mischief to the next generation if we don’t adapt the education to the new world.

Last but not least, my article simply describes here teaches students how to be patient and more-persistent. I really believe that perseverance along with the related ability to continually adapt to a changing environment are the critical qualities that we need to remain relevant in a digital world in which we Students are expected to add value via the ability to be innovative and creative.

Thank you for reading 😅. If you like the Article give it a clap 👏.

I am a Grade 9 Student at the GEMS New Millenium, Dubai.

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Aadithyan Rajesh

Maker 🚀 Student 🎓•13✌️ • Student, Entrepreneur🚀 • Software Developer 👩‍💻 and Deep Machine Learning Enthusiast 🧠 • Dark Web Researcher🕸 •