Development update — 18th April

Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2019

In the previous community update, work was underway for the preparation and initial release for one of Tangram’s test networks.

Over the past two weeks, most of the bugs have been completed and identified and test-net is currently working as expected, locally. We would like to continue to evaluate the current state, test end-to-end and ensure when test-net is released to be able to focus on the effectiveness for the initial release and alleviate as many issues and maintenance that may arise for the first test-net which distribute further development efforts on the vulnerability patch (read more below on vulnerability patch progress).

Notable Changes

  • Updated Secp256k1.ZKP package [7fd2785]
  • Initial commit range proof [7b4f25b]
  • Added range proof methods [cd54fc]
  • Range proof method calls [a14f644]
  • Added unit test for Range proofs [479cdd7]
  • Bumped nuget version [13a993]
  • Check tor circuit status [cdb81e0]
  • Light-wallet refactoring [d81f126, 1269f77]
  • Removed duplicate method [9514972]
  • Fixing bugs send/receive payments [f9383ae]
  • Added interaction message pumps [ddd5ff9]
  • Added interaction message pumps [ddd5ff9]
  • Various SWIM
  • Fix option saving redemption key locally [3f7ec0e]
  • Fixed object string conversion [1628c9]

Contributions to wallet code from community

We are excited to continuously highlight all contributions. We would like to thank the present community contributor(s) and all future contributors to the project.

  • Fixed bug where null array references didn’t throw an exception [2891ef0]
  • Fixed bugs guarding array method parameters [0015dbf]

Thinking of contributing?

Connect with any of the Core and/or Community managers OR simply create an issue/pull request!

Vulnerability patch progress

As mentioned in our update and open-source of the CLI ;-) light-wallet, we had forked three projects, and as a reminder:

  1. Secp256k1-zkp (which is Mimblewimble’s extension of the secp256k1 algorithm);
  2. Secp256k1.Net (Secp256k1.Net was a wrapper for the previous version of secp256k1, and has been changed to serve as a wrapper for secp256k1-zkp)

Together, they will serve as a support to implement Mimblewimble inspired commitment, range proofs, and multi-signature schemes and will be implemented in the light-wallet and node software alike.

Current status:

  1. Commitment is current in Secp256k1.Net
  2. Initial commit for Range Proofs methods in Secp256k1.Net


  1. Commitment in Secp256k1.Net [Deploy for node]
  2. Range Proofs in Secp256k1.Net [Deploy for node]
  3. Multisignature scheme in Secp256k1.Net [Deploy for light-wallet & node]
  4. BLS signature scheme [Deploy for light-wallet & node]

To be clear, the vulnerability patch has been on-going during the past ten days and for those keeping a close eye will notice that Range Proof methods has been initially committed (also under notable changes):

Overall, we’re looking forward to releasing the first test-net to the community!

Updated: 2nd May 2019 [Include BLS signature scheme in ‘Upcoming’]

Read the latest Tangram Design piece:

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Tangram was created with a singular vision: to inspire, mobilize and empower a new generation of cypherpunks.