Development Update — 27th July

Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2019

Over the last two weeks we have seen some great progress towards the release of test-net1. We’re excited to be moving closer and closer to the point where it will be ready for release to the community and the public at large. Below are consensus and node progress since the last update. A lot of the code mentioned in previous updates has now been merged to master for further testing.

Consensus Updates:

  • Refactoring namespaces and file changes;
  • Coin validation before adding to memory pool;
  • Refactoring Blockmania and adding view change test;
  • Added Blockmania backing classes;
  • Updating backing classes and repository pattern;
  • Added Blockmania service and controller;
  • Adding interpreted callback and block graph repository pattern;
  • Increasing database container size;
  • Refactor block and coin controller;
  • Modified blockID class as immutable.

Other areas to consider:

Simplification to Tangram’s CLI wallet (Cypher) from the initial implementation with HashiCorp Vault Enterprise is ongoing. The reason for this is that we’ve noticed certain edge cases where the 4 keys generated may OR may not unseal the user’s wallet, among other uncomfortable scenarios; however, the first was sufficient to make the decision to opt for a different solution.

So, Cypher no longer starts Vault with Tor, instead using LiteDB for the installation. You will also notice that 4 keys are no longer required to be generated and saved when setting up your Cypher wallet. For those familiar with Cypher and creating multiple wallets, this means that for every wallet created, you will find a wallet db file in wallets > id_

This change can be found under nosql_embedded branch and will be merged to master shortly. Users will then be able to test the new process and familiarise themselves with the changes:

At a later stage (post-genesis) we may consider looking further into HashiCorp Vault Enterprise integration and the Vault Enterprise feature set.

Community contribution & review

Marlowe from the community presented a PR (pull request) proposing some changes to address formatting in Tangram. These commits have been successful and can be seen here.

The proposal detailing the implementation which was done prior can be found below:

Identified bugs and status

A complete list of bugs can be found here. Thinking of contributing to the code? Connect with any of the Core and/or Community managers OR simply create an issue/pull request!

I ran into a bug, how can I help?

We’re looking to improve on the first test-net for future ones. If you identify any bugs or security issues, you are more than welcome to report these by opening a ticket here: Github. You can also discuss this further in any one of our channels. We do appreciate if you’re able to share your .log file along with steps to recreate the issue — these can be emailed to

You can find your .log file in the following location:

  1. Navigate to your root directory;
  2. Open Cypher> bin > Release > netcoreapp2.2 > publish > cypher-2019<date>.log;
  3. Email:

Are you a new user?

A beginners guide (click here) was proposed by the community and has been recently released. This guide helps to provide new users a more of a ‘frictionless’ experience when downloading, installing and running Cypher. For more experienced new users, abbreviated installation instructions can be found here.

Download and run test-net0 today

To experience the latest updates on Cypher, please do a git pull and publish (if you have installed before). Instructions can be found here:

First time users can follow the below link:

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Tangram was created with a singular vision: to inspire, mobilize and empower a new generation of cypherpunks.