Welcome ‘sp4rtan’ to the Tangram Project

Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2021

Senior Engineer for Tangram

‘sp4rtan’ officially joins the team to support the development of the Tangram node and wallet software. His first priority will be creating the Windows install scripts in preparation for Cypher Open Beta Testnet, and once done, he’ll switch to working with Stéphan on the cyp2px (libp2p) C++ library.

His roles will include those of the other developers on the team, such as optimisation of the existing architecture and building new functionalities. In the future, he hopes to work on a GUI wallet for Tangram.

sp4rtan comes from Greece, and studied in Germany, doing his masters in Darmstadt. He worked at Continental, Siemens Medical, and then found his way to ESR Labs, where he now works as an architect. His strengths lie in system design, C++, .NET, quality metrics, and unit testing. He is a proud father of two, and an active privacy enthusiast.

I am all for privacy. I have no Facebook, no Google, no WhatsApp, no Gmail, and no Android phone. I hate that big corporations know so much stuff about us and sell our personal information to each other for their own profit —

It’s time to get some of our privacy back.

After lurking in the Tangram community for a couple of weeks, sp4rtan has decided that he will step up and lend his skills to the project.

GitHub: https://github.com/sanastasiou

Growing the team of engineers is something that is extremely important for the future of Tangram and achieving this mission. We are pleased to introduce sp4rtan, the newest member of the Tangram team.

Please give sp4rtan a warm welcome!

Thinking of contributing to Cypher?

You can find Cypher’s codebase here: https://github.com/cypher-network/

Connect with any of the core team members and/or community managers, OR simply create an issue/pull request!

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