Welcome Stéphan Kempkes to the Tangram Project

Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

Senior Engineer for Tangram

Stéphan officially joins the team to support the development of the Tangram node and wallet software. His roles will include those of the other developers on the team, such as optimisation of the existing architecture and building new functionality.

Stéphan is currently a Technical Project Leader at ESR Labs GmbH, working in Embedded Development for the automotive industry. Prior to this, he has been involved in a variety of development work, mostly C++, with some .NET certificates as well.

Since he is interested in eco-friendly, private and feeless cryptocurrencies, Stéphan believes Tangram is a fantastic fit for him, offering all of these.

I am looking forward to supporting Tangram wherever necessary

Stéphan is an avid supporter in the Tangram community, presenting many critiques and ideas for improvement. He is looking forward to contributing his skills to Tangram’s development wherever necessary; be it node and wallet development, documentation, or refinement in other areas. Stéphan will also focus on code quality and testing, and is hoping to begin a Ledger app for Tangram.

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/stephan-kempkes GitHub: https://github.com/stephankempkes

Growing the team of engineers is something that is extremely important for the future of Tangram and achieving this mission. We are pleased to introduce Stéphan Kempkes, the newest member for Tangram.

Please give Stéphan a warm welcome!

Thinking of contributing to Cypher?

You can find Cypher’s codebase here: https://github.com/cypher-network/

Connect with any of the core team members and/or community managers, OR simply create an issue/pull request!

If you’re interested, have questions or feedback:

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