Hello Holiday: Here’s What to Read :)

Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2018
Photo: Be ready for a more exciting Car Free Day events in 2019!

As we’re approaching Christmas holiday and the end of 2018, TGerians are ready to embrace a whole new year with its challenges and things to be grateful for. TaniGroup’s offices in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya are counting the days to surprise our beloved customers, investors, and fellow farmers with lots of new and exciting initiatives. Connecting farms with people, together growing the future!

For now, please take a look at our team’s curated reading picks to accompany us all during this holiday season. Happy holiday from all TGerians to you and your loved ones, happy reading! :)

#1. USAID Report — Digital Farmer Profiles

For all of us who delve further into the world of the agriculture sector and how to collaboratively build it ahead, understanding what ‘capturing smallholder farmers’ data’ means is a challenge. With a myriad of definitions and territory-based context, this report findings is part of USAID cooperation with Grameen Foundation and relatable to be used by emerging countries’ agricultural actors.

Photo: TaniFund’s smallholder group of farmers partner in West Java region

#2. Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) — Almost Everything You Know About Impact Investing Is Wrong

“Impact investing can help, but only if properly harnessed,” argues Wendy Abt on this piece. A long-time strategic investor herself, Wendy brings out key takeaways about guidelines for people who are interested in impact investing and its correlation with the infamous’ objective to create a greater good. Some basic ground rules mentioned are: a) Investments must reach the poor, increasing their resilience, b) Investments must fill gaps in the market ecosystem or value chain, and c) Investments terms must be fully published in real time to facilitate public consultation.

#3. VoxDev — Why studies should be conducted on a larger scale

TaniGroup’s Legal Lead, Annisa Brilliantina presents her findings at one event of Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority, in Padang, West Sumatra. The event gathers multi-stakeholders to drive a vast array of inputs from multiple angles

Working in the field and gather data to be analyzed further in terms of the decision-making process by the board/related PIC is a constant flow for most of the development practitioner including TaniFund’s field specialist. On a broader level, this joint views by Karthik Muralidharan (University of California) and Paul Niehaus (University of California, San Diego) argue that taking small samples to project/predict in terms of policy making, is not representative enough. How many data is enough data? This audio is recommended to provide mind-boggling perspective upon this question.

#4. 99U — Is There Such a Thing as Perfection?

Most of us are accustomed to create and envision the result of our work to be good enough or even close to perfect. Whether it’s in working together in the field with fellow farmers and wanting for the yield to be as perfect as possible so the market will love it judging by its shape, color, or anything else, also when our team planning an event to promote our latest initiative to the public. Perfection is the new standard. This interesting opinions by four photographers shed some light about what ‘result-oriented’ means for them. Almost all of them encapsulate the importance of process and the journey for marking new learning curve over and over again. Picture perfect, everyone?

#5. TaniGroup’s Medium — Suatu Proses Jangka Panjang Bernama Dukung Petani Kita (in Bahasa)

Image: Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday from us to you all. Don’t forget to download TaniHub’s Client App for a much exciting journey to support Indonesia’s agriculture :)

Last but not least, our very own Medium’s piece is here to give you an insight about our mission in working within the agriculture sector. As we’re approaching new year ahead, our TGerians are super focused on preparing for few upcoming events, working constantly with our fellow group of farmers in the field, while also at the same time maintaining our operations to serve all customers better. Don’t forget to download TaniHub’s Client App on Google Playstore for an exciting journey towards Indonesia’s local agricultural products.

