Creating A Poll On Twitter

Holly DeRusha
Tank, I Need a Program
4 min readJun 29, 2019

Sometimes you just need a second opinion in life! One of my favorite features on twitter is their poll option. By creating a poll you can ask a question to your followers and provide them with answers to anonymously choose from. The questions and options you choose to provide are entirely up to you and can be anywhere from silly, to practical, to total nonsense(the beauty of twitter). I am going to show you step by step how you can create a poll of your own.

Step 1: Creating The Tweet

Here is a screenshot of my twitter timeline. Nothing like some Wendy’s and Sal from Impractical Jokers to spice up my friday night!

As you can see, I have drawn a red circle around the blue and white icon in the bottom right corner. This what you will press to create a new tweet.

Step 2: Opening Up A Poll

In red I have circled the poll icon. It is a small bar graph that will pop up underneath the photos in your camera roll. (No worries, your followers cannot see these unless you choose to post them!) Click on the bar graph icon.

Step 3: What Will you Ask?

Once you have selected the poll icon, the box above will appear. You can now click and type in your question and options for your followers to choose from. Remember, the answers are all anonymous!

If needed, there is the option to add more answers to your poll as well. Just click the blue arrow that I have drawn a fellow arrow towards below.

This should bring up a third text box. (Shown below.)

Step 4: Poll Length

As you can see, I decided that today I would ask my followers one of life’s most controversial questions. Now it is up to me to decide how long the poll will be open to voters. I circled in red the box that says “Poll length.” If you click on that there will be a drop box that allows you to choose up to the very minute of when the poll will close. I decided that my followers have 24 hours to pick their poison.

Step 5: Posting Your Tweet

In the top right corner I have circled the “tweet” button. By clicking on this button you will officially open your poll to the public for however much time you have allotted.

Step 6: Waiting for feedback!

Five minutes in and the jury is split! As your followers cast their votes, the answers will be added up with percentages on the right hand side of the options. Sit back, relax and let the opinions roll in!

Why I love this feature

Twitter itself is a great place to communicate your ideas and learn ideas from others. In a way, using a twitter poll is your own little science experiment. You are able to get unbiased information as users know their response is anonymous. The poll feature has helped me choose outfits, choose dinner, and now in 24 hours I will have input on the infamous chicken and egg conundrum. The twitterverse is your oyster! Get pollin’!

