How To Embed a Hyperlink

Opol une
Tank, I Need a Program
2 min readJun 22, 2019

Knowing how to create a hyperlink is a very useful tool. It allows you to give direct access to a different website or location on the internet to a reader. If you are a blogger and talking about someone else's blog in a post, you can just add a hyperlink of their blog into your sentence. Hyperlinks are much more lean cut and organized looking than regular links.

Here is how you make one!

  1. The first step to creating a hyperlink is to type a word of choice that you would like to be the link. In my example I am using the word “here” as my link.

2. The second step is the highlight the word you want to be the link. In my case I will highlight “here”.

3. Then the third step is to right click on the word you chose and a drop down menu should appear.

4. Next you want to hit the hyperlink button. this step is shown in the image to the left.

5. When you click this option, it will give you a box to type in the URL of the site you want to link. Once you enter the link you just hit enter and you are done.

I hope this tutorial was useful to you. Have fun embedding your own hyperlinks!

