How To Make A Gmail Account

Andrea O'Hearn
Tank, I Need a Program
3 min readJun 28, 2019

In this day and age, it is likely that anything you do on the internet requires an email to complete a log in process or verification process. Having an email is an excellent way to get notifications or to communicate with others in a professional manner. There are many avenues of websites in which you can sign up for an email (Google, Yahoo, etc…), but today I am going to be going through the steps to create a gmail account through Google.

  1. Log onto the computer and open up the internet (Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc…)
  2. Go to “” by typing it into the address bar at the top of the page.

3. Type in “Gmail” into the search engine bar and hit “Google Search” or hit enter on the keyboard.

4. Click on the first link title “Gmail — Google”.

5. You will be brought to the sign in page and be prompted to put in an email and password. However, since you do not have a gmail account yet to sign into, you will click the blue “Create Account” link that is located next to the “Next” button.

6. Put in First Name, Last Name, what you wish your gmail account name to be, a password and reconfirm the password. Then hit “Next”.

7. You will then be asked to put in a phone number for verification, another email if you would like, your birthday and gender. Then hit “Next”.

8. Read and hit “I agree” to the Privacy and Terms statement.

9. Congratulations! You now have a gmail account in which you can send and receive emails from!

