How to Make a Meme

Heather Carver
Tank, I Need a Program
5 min readJun 28, 2018
Source: Giphy

If you‘re living in the 21st century and are a part of the world of social media, chances are you probably already know what a meme is. However, if you don’t I will explain it to you. A meme is a picture that usually goes viral on the internet. They are made to be funny, and usually have a specific picture with a focus. Memes can be made in a variety of ways, but most of the time they feature a specific photo with text to go along with it. For the past few years, memes have become something that most people are familiar with and have become part of our culture. Memes are usually done to get a laugh out of someone and/or to express their feelings about something.

Sounds exciting doesn’t it? With that being said, you probably are going to want to try and create your own meme one day. They are very easy to make, and there are loads of websites out there that will allow you to create your own. In order to create a meme, all you need to know is what type of image you want, want you want it to say, and how to share it on your social media page. While most sites already have pictures that are uploaded, it is not hard to make your own meme from scratch using your own pictures.

Step One: Research Memes!

You need to understand the different types of memes.

When figuring out what type of meme you want to create, it is always a good idea to take a look at the different types of memes that are out there (especially the ones that have gone viral on the internet). Looking at memes might also spark something creative and who knows, maybe your meme will go viral too!

Choose something that you can relate to or something that is personal to you.

If you choose something that is either boring or something you have no personal experience with, it is going to be really hard to make a meme! Try picking something that you’re passionate about and something that comes easy to you. Some examples might include social situations, work, and school.

Step Two: Figure out your content!

Gather Materials. When you are figuring out what kind of meme you would like to create you have two choices. You can either come up with your own meme or you can “recycle” something that you found during your research. If you decide you want to “recycle” a meme you found online, make sure you have all of its content (the picture, the words, an/or video). Using something such as google images or going on Imgur’s meme generator will help you a bunch (especially if you are a beginner).

Keep it short and to the point.

Remember that most of your readers are not going to have a large attention span. Therefore, if your meme is super long, they are going to lose interest pretty fast!

Make sure your meme matches.

It is very important that the picture you choose matches what the text says on your meme. If they don’t match, your reader is not going to understand what you are trying to say.

Source: Giphy

Step Three: Create it using ImgFlip!

Here is how to make a meme on ImgFlip. It is super easy to navigate!

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Make a Meme?” on the top right corner.

3. Figure out if you want to use one of the photos on the website or upload your own.

If you decide to upload your own follow these steps!:

a. Click on upload your own image. This is located on the top left corner (above where you see the popular memes tab).

b. Decide whether you want to upload from your computer or from a website URL. If you decide to upload from your computer, your pictures will show up. All you need to do is select the photo that you want to use.

c. Once you have your picture selected, click upload.

4. Decide what you want the meme to say! Use the text boxes provided to do this. As you can see, there is a top text box and a bottom text box. You can also change the font, color, and size if you want to! To do this, simply click on settings (the wheel) to the right.

5. Click on the Generate Meme button!

6. Once you are done, you can save it! This website offers many different ways in which you can either share it or add it to something. Unfortunately, this website does not include an option to save to your computer. No worries though, just use the snipping tool found on your computer! This will take a picture of your meme. For windows, just go to your search bar on the bottom left and type in snipping tool.


Source: Giphy

