How to Register for Classes at UNE

When I was a freshman and I had to register for classes on my own I was really nervous and slightly confused. In this tutorial I will go step by step on how to register for your classes! This process will follow what to do once you have made a rough schedule of the classes you will want to take and have written down their corresponding CRN numbers.

Caitlyn Irish
Tank, I Need a Program
4 min readJun 28, 2019


Step 1: Start by going to the university’s website, where you are able to access information on how to look up and register for your courses. After finding this site click the LOGIN HERE button.

Step 2: After clicking the login button you will be brought to this page as seen below where you will your Nor’easter ID and Password that is your way into other university sites such as ECO Print, Blackboard, and you UNE Email account.

Step 3: After entering your username and password the next page you will see is the one below. In order to find the tab to register for your classes click the link “Student Services”.

Step 4: The Student Services link will bring to a page that looks like this. The page offers links such as Scheduled Course Offerings Search, Registration, Student Records, and Make an Online Payment. The link you will click on is Registration.

Step 5: You will be brought to the Registration Services menu seen below. Your next step is to click on the “Register and Add/Drop Classes” link.

Step 6: The next step in registering for your courses involved entering your 5 digit PIN number that your first year advisor or registrars office have provided to you. This code is the most important thing to have on hand when getting to register because without it you cannot access the actual page to enter your CRN numbers that are associated with the classes you wish to take. At your scheduled time of registration type in your PIN number and press ENTER.

Step 7: Once you have pressed ENTER on the Alternate PIN Verification page you will be brought to the Register and Add/Drop Classes page as seen below. When preparing for what courses you wish to take in the upcoming semester it is best to have your CRN numbers for the courses written down and at the ready to use. At the bottom of the page there is an area that says “Add Classes Worksheet” and underneath that an area to add CRN numbers. Once your CRN numbers for your classes have been typed in press Enter. The classes that you have entered should appear as they do in my example of my classes.

Step 8: After pressing Enter something that may appear is an error that states that the class is now full and that you have the option to be waitlisted for the class. There are many times that a class that everyone wants to take fills up before you even can enter in your CRN number. The best option would be return to the the page on Uonline where you are able to search for the classes offered that semester. There could be a possibility that there is another section of the class that you wanted to get in just being offered at a different time. If this class is not being offered at another time or if does not fit in your schedule then it might be best to be placed on the classes wait list in hopes that someone decides to drop the class and you could take their place instead. Most of the time you are able to receive the schedule you wanted. I hope this tutorial helps in figuring out how to register for your second semester of your college career!

