Organizing Courses in Blackboard

Savannah Vanduyn
Tank, I Need a Program
3 min readJun 28, 2019

Without some organizing your Blackboard home page can look super crowded. Not only can you lose some classes in the mess, separating classes by term can make you feel less overwhelmed. This tutorial will show you how I prefer to sort my classes. Feel free to play around with the settings to find the layout you prefer.

Step 1: Log into Black Board

Log into Blackboard with your UNE username and password. This is the same information that you use to log into U-Online, EcoPrint, or the computers in the library.

This is what your homepage may look like if it has yet to be organized:

Step 2: Get to the Settings Page

If you highlight the blue bar where it says courses a wheel should pop up on the far right of the blue banner. Click that wheel to get to the settings page.

Step 3: Stop Grouping by Term

This section of the settings page allows you to group by term. If you only want to show the current semester’s courses you don’t need to group by term. Go ahead and click the blue box next to “Group by Term”. The whole section should collapse

Step 4: Select the courses you want to show

When you scroll down a bit you can find all of your courses. If you only want to see the current term’s courses go through the courses taken prior and uncheck the box in the left column. Since we are currently in the Summer Term of 2019 I unchecked all the courses that I am not taking this term.

Step 5: Customize what you see

I don’t like seeing all the information that is selected by default. The course ID doesn’t really affect me in any way. I also don’t need a daily reminder of the professor that teaches each class. I do like seeing any announcements and tasks in addition to the course name. MAKE SURE YOU PUSH SUBMIT!

Step 6: See your new home page

This is my course list now that I have added those setting edits. It’s a much more manageable list and I know I won’t miss any announcements posted.

Again, this is my own personal preference. Go through the settings and see what you like the best! Hopefully this helps you to organize your school work a little bit!

