Observation #20 (Bench seat)

A moment of mindfulness

Tanka Town
Mar 4, 2024


Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

I stop to gather
My thoughts and take time to breathe …
Ahhh, peaceful and still.

I choose to observe
The bench seat in front of me;
Simple, yet complex.

I describe features
Of the small bench to focus;
To think of one thing.

It is made from pine;
A light-coloured and soft wood
That’s easy to cut.

I can see the grain
That has dark brown knots in it;
They’re special features.

I see the joins, too,
That hold the bench together;
Seems like it’s sturdy.

Maybe I’ll sit down
While I practice mindfulness …
Thank you, small bench seat.



Tanka Town

I like to experiment with different forms of poetry, as well as some flash fiction.