The Tanooki Pledge

Tanooki Labs
Tanooki Labs
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2019

If you’re one of our entrepreneurs you will know the Tanooki Pledge pretty well by now. After all it’s on every proposal and SOW that you’ve signed off on. But it’s a core part of our beliefs at Tanooki, and something we’re both proud of and take seriously. No project starts without the Pledge getting signed by both the entrepreneur we’re partnering with an a Tanooki Partner.

The Tanooki Pledge

At Tanooki Labs we think of our engagements as partnerships and we always approach our partnerships with a radical level of transparency. You can expect to put in a minimum of 8–10 hours per week on the product between meetings, ticket review/accept/reject and general product thinking. Because this is a partnership and we know that the success of the product relies heavily on mutual trust, we make some significant promises.

Things We Promise to Do

  1. Treat your product as if it were our own, and think deeply about the product, it’s users, and your business.
  2. Send Weekly Reports to keep you informed on progress and budget.
  3. Attend Daily Standups to ensure developers have what they need and aren’t blocked.
  4. Perform Weekly in-progress demos (Demo), retrospective process reviews (Retro), and iteration planning meetings (IPM) to gather your feedback and prime upcoming work.
  5. Provide flexibility in features, scope, and timing based on your needs and feedback from early users, and input on how this may affect your budget.
  6. Provide timely invoicing.
  7. Always choose the right solution for the job, even if it means lower billable for us.
  8. Be available via Slack/Email.

Things You Promise to Do

  1. Be present at Demo, Retros and IPMs.
  2. Communicate with the team via Slack/Email.
  3. If there is a product owner other than yourself or the key stakeholder, empower the product owner to make product choices and direct development work.
  4. Work to ensure open communications with any additional partners.
  5. Pay invoices on or before the due date.
  6. If there needs to be a delay in payment, let us know ASAP, not after the payment is late.
  7. Accept/Reject features in Pivotal in a timely manner to provide input and time for our team to to make appropriate changes.

In our experience, when these promises are kept, projects have a much higher likelihood of being delivered on time and on budget. We pledge to keep these promises to the best of our ability during the course of this project and our partnership together.

We take our partnerships seriously and there’s no better representation of that in my mind than the Tanooki Pledge.



Tanooki Labs
Tanooki Labs

Product Strategy & Development based in NYC dedicated to making great products with amazing clients. We love the internet. ♥ Like, more than normal people.