A young man is looking towards you, deep in thought. What is he contemplating?
Source: Google (via Asar Studios); source of original photo is unknown.


A Moment in Time

How far are you willing to go to force a relationship to evolve?

Vlad Lioncourt
Tantalizing Tales
Published in
8 min readMar 19, 2024


I had just arrived at school when it happened. It was inevitable.

“Hey, four-eyes! I heard you made the volleyball team! Damn, they gotta be desperate; scrapin’ the bottom of the barrel to fill the team!”

I kept my eyes forward and refused to adjust my pace. As I passed the group of boys that had tormented me the last two years — ever since I got my glasses — I braced myself for the hip or shoulder check that was sure to come.

It came…but this time I wasn’t going to give in. At the last second I saw Chad drive his shoulder towards mine, so I responded in kind. Truth be told, I had a distinct advantage — I was mentally prepared for this moment. I gritted my teeth, held my breath and put all my strength into my turn. Our bodies crashed together with a loud thud, but my determination paid off as his shoulder spun him around and mine stayed on path.

He screamed. “Jeezus fuckin’ Christ!! Irving, you pile of shit!”

I did not slow down. I did not utter a word and ten seconds later I was lost in the sea of students flowing between the walls of lockers. Despite the searing pain in my shoulder I smiled, imagining Chad’s crimson red face. I knew there would eventually be a cost to pay, but I didn’t care. This was my first win on my new journey. In the past two years I had had a major growth spurt, gaining five inches in height and twenty pounds in weight, none of it fat. My tormentors had not had a similar growth spurt but the bully-victim dynamic was still intact, and that fact had eaten away at me during the entire summer break. I had worked out religiously, and had made a decision to pay whatever the price — accept whatever consequences — to change that dynamic.

“Hey, Irv!”

It was my best mate, Tom, standing at his open locker. I headed over, turned and leaned back into a nearby locker. I rubbed my aching shoulder.

“You okay?”

“Yup. Just a little tender.”

“Another encounter with the FuckFace Boys?”

I nodded. Tom asked, “And?”

“I won.”

He slapped me on the back. “Well done!”

We said nothing more. We just stared at the mass of bodies racing in both directions, each person intent on getting somewhere in the fastest way possible. Junior high school was one continuous rush.

Tom broke our silence.

“You going to the Icebreaker Dance tonight?”

“I dunno.”

“I am.”


“Yup. Gonna stand in the corner and see who pairs up.”

I nodded. It’s what we did the last time we went — hid in the darkest corner of the gym, as far away from the action as possible. It was easy, as all the girls tended to group on one side and the boys on the other. Except for the few couples, who loved showing off. Showing off that they had romance and hot things going on, while we losers watched from the edges like the kid with his nose pressed against the window of the Christmas store, gazing at gifts he would never get.

Even the FuckFace Boys stayed out at the edges, trying to be cool by mocking anyone nearby.

I shrugged. “I might see you there. Okay, I gotta go.”

I pushed off the wall and headed for my first class. Just before I turned the corner I heard Tom call out, “Watch your back!”

I nodded to myself, already thinking about my route home after school. Although that was still six and half hours away, it’s best to plan ahead. There were four FuckFace Boys. There were far more exits than that, so it shouldn’t be a challenge to avoid them.

Ten hours later, after having successfully navigated my way home after school, I was returning to the lion’s den. Despite the threat of retribution, I had decided I was going to the dance. Why not? It was my school and Tom had promised me that he would be there. It was better than the alternative — watching “Star Trek” reruns on our new colour TV. Plus, the girls at the dance would be dressed up and all pretty and stuff. Despite my outward denials, dancing did look fun. I had no idea if I could dance, but that didn’t matter. It was fun to watch the action…and some of the girls loved to wear tighter blouses to show off their boobs while dancing. At least that’s what I thought.

I was so lost in my thoughts of dancing boobs that I did not hear the footsteps behind me.

“Iiiiiiirving! Headed to the dance?”

It was Chad.

I whipped around and found myself staring at all four Fuckface Boys. They must have been hiding in the small, but very dense, stand of trees in the park that I had to pass every day.


I kept my mouth shut, but didn’t run. I met their gaze. Suddenly they were on me…so fast I had no chance to even throw a punch. I was on the ground, curled up in a fetal position, doing my best to protect both my face and my nuts while they kicked me.

I thought I was going to survive until the toe of someone’s boot smashed into my back and the air burst out of me like I had been shot. I flailed on the ground like a fish on land, feeling like I had a knife in my back, my lungs empty and totally overcome by panic. I thought I was going to die.

It was Steve who called it. “Holy crap, guys. We better stop. He can’t breathe!”

Chad spoke up next. “He’s just winded. I’ve seen it before. It happened when my brother fell off a horse. He’ll be fine in fifteen minutes or so.”

“What should we do?”

“Go to the fuckin’ dance. I’m guessing piss ant here will be going home to mommy.”

After a few strained seconds, they returned to their familiar roles and started laughing as they strutted off.

I stayed right where I was, staring at the sky as the air rasped in my throat. Deep down though, I knew that Chad had unwittingly helped me a great deal. I now knew that I would eventually be okay…and that there was NO WAY in hell I was going home. I would be going to the dance, even if I had to crawl. The new me would not cower. Ever. I was a changed boy…or man.

The wheezing slowly gave way to gasps and shallow breaths. Rolling over, I pushed myself up onto all fours and then backwards onto my ass. Sitting cross-legged as I regained control, I felt rage birthing itself from deep within my soul. I rolled my shoulder forward then slammed my fist into the ground.


I squeezed my eyes together and clenched my jaw. My entire body hurt. But! I just realized that my face and my balls were intact.

Small fuckin’ miracles.

I tried to stand up, but ended up freezing in place. A new pain stabbed into the ribs on my right side. I sat back down before the shaking took over my body entirely.

A few minutes later I tried again, this time pressing my hand into my rib cage. That provided a surprising amount of relief. I managed to push myself up a standing position.

Fuck YEAH!

I staggered forward.

“He finally arrives! Didn’t think you were going to make it, Irv.”

The pain had eased slightly, and my flexibility and stability had improved with every step I made.

“Sorry, man. I was delayed by the FuckFace Boys. They caught me in the park.”

“Holy shit, Irv! You okay?”

I nodded. “My face and nuts are just fine, but my ribs are killing me. They kicked my ass. All four of them were on me with their boots.”

“Then what the hell are you doing here? You need to get that checked out. Let’s get you home!”

“No way. They are here somewhere and I want them to see me. They didn’t win.”

“Win? What the hell are you talking about?”

“They didn’t stop me from coming to the dance. There is no way in hell I am giving them that satisfaction. I’m not who I was two years ago. When they see me, they’ll know.”

Tom just stared at me, mulling over my words.

Then his eyes shifted, looking at something over my right shoulder.

“Leslie’s on the prowl.”

Leslie Murphy was not the prettiest girl in our grade, nor did she have the nicest body, but she had the “it” factor in spades. She was an outgoing brown-eyed blonde, smart as hell and generally did as she pleased. People had learned the hard way not to engage her in an argument or a battle of wits.

At dances she wasn’t shy about asking guys to dance, and very few turned her down. Her favourite event was the Sadie Hawkins Dance, where it was the girls’ choice all night. That’s when she really shone. I smiled at the memory of how uncomfortable she could make a boy. It was fun to watch them shift from foot to foot and glance sideways as she passed.

It was well known that she wouldn’t put out, so most boys avoided her. She was too much of a challenge for too little payout, so to speak. I had a terrible crush on her, but she had no idea.

Tom’s eyes went wide just before I heard Leslie speak.

“Well, Irving McGuire. I’ve waited long enough. Care to come out of the shadows and dance with me…finally?”

I turned around and smiled. The old me wouldn’t have done that. He would’ve turned her down.


She grabbed my hand and started pulling me. I staggered slightly before I could get my hand back in place. She stopped and stared back at me.

“You okay?”

“Yes. Ribs are just a bit sore. Accident on the way here.”

Leslie smirked, but said nothing.

I glanced around — every eye was on us. It was exciting. I wasn’t the boy at the window now. But as my excitement bloomed, my ribs started to hurt more. Then serendipity intervened on my behalf; the fast song ended before we could start. The DJ came over the sound system. “Time to slow it down.”

Leslie grinned and I shrugged…then “Nights in White Satin” by the Moody Blues started. I had the 45 at home, and it’s one of my favourite songs.

I put my hands on her hips.

She wrapped her hands around my neck.

We started swaying to the music. With every step we seemed to draw in closer. A few other couples joined us. I smiled at my dance partner and it was promptly returned.

A few rotations later we were dancing in an embrace, and I was fighting an erection as her breasts pressed into my chest. I couldn’t believe it. Holy crap, breasts are fucking amazing!!

ME! Feeling her breasts! It didn’t matter that it wasn’t with my hands while making out. It was a good start! I couldn’t stop the Cheshire-cat smile from erupting on my face.

I looked up, and up against the nearest wall were the FuckFace Boys, gaping at what they saw. I grinned at them. Steve shook his head, a picture of disbelief.

A second later I felt hot breath on my ear.

“You’ve changed so much, Irving. Now one of the smartest boys in the school is also a jock. You’ve got my attention. I think you and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other this semester.”

She pulled back and looked up at me, eyes searching.

“I would love that.”

We kissed.

Right there. In front of the entire school!!



Vlad Lioncourt
Tantalizing Tales

Writer of erotica living in the tundra of Western Canada