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A Shocking Development

Nero J. Black
Tantalizing Tales
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2021


I got the shock of my life when I came home at lunchtime to get my mobile phone. I’d gone to work without it and by 9am it felt like a limb had been removed. So I told my wife I was coming home to get it. Unless she wanted to come in to the office and drop it off for me, pretty please?

‘No can do’ she said curtly, ‘I have something planned, and I’m not your slave…’

‘More’s the pity’ I muttered, before hanging up.

I dashed home and immediately bolted up the stairs to grab my phone from the bedside table, leaving the front door wide open. The gate had closed behind me and I was only going to be a minute — I had to get back on the train and back into the city by 1pm, which was totally doable.

Or maybe not.

When I got to the bedroom I found my wife buck naked, and bent over the bed.

“What the fuck?!” I blurted out, flabbergasted. What the fuck was going on indeed?

“Surprise!” she laughed, “I figured you’d be in a hurry so I got ready for you.”

“What? What’s going on?” I stammered.

I wasn’t stupid, I could see what was going on, I just couldn’t fathom it. Never once in our entire marriage had she acted like this. What had brought this on?

“Don’t think, just fuck” she said, wiggling her bottom at me. “Hurry, there isn’t much time, just drop your pants and shove that big hard cock inside me. I’m wet as fuck already, so do it…”

She shook her ass again, more urgently this time, as if to confirm she was serious. Deadly serious.

“You’re wet? Why? What have you been doing? And what about me? No foreplay? You can’t just expect to me to flop it out on demand and fuck you…” I was so taken aback I was babbling.

“You look ready to me…” she sniggered, looking down at my crotch.

As my eyes involuntarily followed her gaze I realised I was already hard. Rock hard. My body was moving faster than my brain, which was still in handbrake mode. My wife was naked in front of me, begging to be fucked, and I was asking why? Why?

I dropped my trousers and pulled down my briefs, making my turgid prick spring out like the eager beaver it was. As I stepped forward towards the bed my wife rose up higher, on all fours, and assumed the doggy position on the edge of the mattress. I grabbed her hips and slid my dick inside her silky slit effortlessly. She was wet alright, absolutely sodden in fact, and yet her velvet sheath felt tight around my throbbing cock.

I started with long slow steady strokes, a gentle but continuous thrusting. I looked down and savored the sight of my cock slicing in and out of her wet hole, becoming mesmerized and conflating the image with a porno we’d never made. How those guys can hold a camera and stay hard while fucking their wives I’ll never know — not until my wife lets me film us, at least. Maybe I should ask her now, I wondered, seeing as she was behaving in such a thoroughly wanton and slutty manner?

As my mind wandered so did my gaze, and I spied my nemesis on her nightstand. Her iPad mini and a vibrator! Now I knew why she was so wet — she was up to her old tricks again — Kindleporn and Mr Rabbit! If her cunt didn’t feel so good wrapped around my cock I might have got angry and stopped — but I couldn’t stop myself now if I tried. So I smacked her ass instead, loud and hard.

She barely flinched.

“Mmmmmm, yesss” she purred, “I’ve been reading my dirty stories this morning, ALL morning, and edging myself with Mr Rabbit” she explained, almost as if she’d read my mind. I felt her fingertips brush my shaft briefly as she urgently sought out her clit.

“If you hadn’t come in when you did, I might not have been able to hold back any longer, I might have come myself…” she continued.

She was diddling herself furiously now, her fingers moving fast beneath me. I was moving fast now too, my balls bouncing and beginning to smash against her. I gripped her hips tighter and started banging her harder and faster.

“Oh yeah, that’s g-ood!” she grunted, through gritted teeth. Dropping down onto her forearms her ass tilted up higher and she began to push back against me, meeting me thrust for thrust. “You came at just the right time, I’d been edging for 20 minutes before you walked in, I knew you were coming, but if you’d come any later, you might, have, heard me, having, a screaming orgasm…”

Her sentences were broken now, coming in breathless snippets, as she spat out the words in time with the royal pounding I was giving her. She threw her head up and arched her back as she thrust her ass back and forth in short sharp strokes along my dick. I thought she was about to come but instead she dropped her head down again and started slapping her pussy with her cupped hand.

Propped up on one crooked arm she continued with her story…

“I do this every Monday” she confessed. “Masturbation Monday has become a ritual for me. After you go to work, I go back to bed, r-reading stories, dirty stories, dirty stories about, dirty girls. For an hour. Then. Mr Rabbit. For an hour. Just teasing. No more. then more. thenIgo. goforit. fuckmyself. fuckmydirtyhole. fuckmydirtyholewithMrRabbitandallmyfingerzzzz… AHHHHHH!!!

She came without warning. Well, no warning for me. She certainly knew that was coming. She was slapping her clit like it had run away from home — she punished it mercilessly. Her climax was long and intense and as she spasmed around me, I came too. I thrust forward and held still, arching my back and making my neck and spine crack as the wave of pleasure flooded both through and all over me.

I flooded her too, with my jizz, as she pumped my balls with her fingers, milking me with her one free hand.

Finally done we collapsed onto the bed, groaning.

“You do this every Monday?” I said, finally.

“Yup!” she replied, grinning unabashed.

Hmmmm,” I said, pausing. “I might have to leave my phone at home every Monday then….”

Tantalizing Tales & Sister Publications

5 stories



Nero J. Black
Tantalizing Tales

A 50+ male who occasionally writes erotic fiction. Maybe one day I'll show it to my wife. She reads everyone else's dirty stories. Photo not me, I like privacy.