Road to Absolution Part 2

Cousin Pons
Tantalizing Tales
Published in
6 min readFeb 24, 2021
old fashioned ladies underwear
Image adapted from Pixabay

Catch up

Part One: Male POV by Cousin Pons can be read here...

Part One: Female POV by May More can be read here…

Part Two — Absolution Complete

Outside the storm was raging. Giant hailstones, large enough to fell a hare or break the branches of an elm tree were falling from the moonlit sky. I feared for the forthcoming harvest. If grapes and wheat were destroyed then people would starve and in the eyes of many, my master, the cardinal, would be to blame. And if he went, so did I.

I shuddered at the very thought and sought refuge beside the fire in my chamber, the flames of which were also twisting and turning as if in torment.

The connecting door opened and in came Milady de Blois. I had suggested she dine with me in my room. A suggestion she was only too happy to accept.

All unhappy thoughts vanished in a second as I gazed upon her beauty. Even in the gloom of candlelight she shone so radiantly. She was craving absolution and who was I to deny her that pleasure. She seemed innocent and yet there was something about her, a look perhaps, that hinted at unbridled wantonness.

‘How convenient to stop at an inn where you are so well known my Lord. You are treated most royally by the innkeeper and his wife.’

‘I travel the length and breath of this land Milady. I am known to many.’ I poured her a glass of red wine. ‘I trust your room is to your liking?’

‘It will serve me well. As well as you will serve me I hope.’

‘ Are you not served by your husband?’

‘Alas he serves me with neither wit nor intelligence. He is only concerned with matters of state and financial rewards.’

‘But I am sure he is generous towards you in the way that is required of a husband.’

Upon my saying this the sparkle went out of her eyes and she looked down towards the table. She paused. Took a sip of wine and then gazed directly at me. I could feel my heart begin to pound. Though I had known many women over the years in the criss-crossing of this great country, Milady de Blois was starting to excite me like no other.

I, an old man, but not as old as her husband, was sitting with one of the most beautiful of creatures I had ever seen. I felt that she might be my last conquest before I retired to the country to look after bees. Of late my manhood had not been so quick to rouse and once roused could just as easily fall away. But I felt in my bones that Milady would give me a cockstand like no other.

‘I regret to say that my husband has tried and failed to please me and so I have started to dream.’

‘To dream? Is that not dangerous?’

‘Only that it leaves a great longing in my soul when I realise such dreams are just that. Mere imaginings.’

‘And what exactly is the nature of these dreams?’ I said in a seemingly disinterested fashion as I tossed a log on the grate.

She stood up and took in the warmth of the fire. The light flickered on her breasts most wonderfully. Only the lower half of her face was fully lit and I could see her lips opening as she gathered the words in her mouth before replying.

‘My lord I have sinned. That is why I crave absolution. When I realised my husband could not give me love I have started to dream and to remember what love can be. I know, for I observed it on the farm from my secret places. I saw young servants as they gave themselves up to each other. I saw fine gentlemen taken in hand by ladies and brought to a state of wonderment and joy. And as I lie in bed recalling all this I touch myself.’ And as if to empathise this she placed a hand on her dress while the other gently caressed her breasts.

Never before had I heard such a confession. Had working with the cardinal so long given me the aura of a priest? But I was his spy master. I rose and stood beside Milady placing my hands on hers.

‘It is only natural Milady. This is not sinning. This is pleasure.’

I kissed her neck and savoured her fragrance. My tongue caressed her earlobes which were adorned with the loveliest of pearl earrings. She sighed and I trembled.

Milady’s maid had not travelled with her from Angouleme, due to a sudden illness, so without time to find a replacement she had travelled alone thinking she would reach her destination by nightfall. This was not to be, so I willingly obliged, undressing her with the formality required of a lady’s maid. It is true I have sometimes taken a woman without the need for undressing, but tonight was different and I felt it becoming and dignified to treat her with decorum and restraint.

Milady had other ideas however and raced me through the multitude of layers that adorned her sweet and tender body. A beautiful pale blue silk gown, an embroidered stomacher, petticoat after petticoat, a pannier about her waist, until eventually I reached the stays which supported her glorious bosom. I unlaced them from behind and, as they fell to the ground, I cupped her breasts in my hands.

‘You have found your calling my Lord,’ she laughed.

‘It is true, I am a man of many parts.’

My clothes, though elaborate, were nothing to hers. My waistcoat was of the finest quality and the cardinal, not one who normally talked of fashion, had said he thought it a little too flamboyant. I paid him no heed, though I made sure never to wear it in his presence again. After all, he held the strings to my purse.

Milady sat on the edge of the bed, clad only in her shift and stockings. I kissed her before pushing her gently back. She pulled up her shift, inch by inch until it was just above her waist. There before me was a vision. A vision of her sex. I kissed it with due reverence but she grabbed my head and pulled it tightly down upon her so that my tongue could the more easily explore the wonders of her cunt. It was a word she used happily herself, for as she told me, she was well aware of all the whys and wherefores of sexual congress from her time of secret observation. Nothing it seems could shock her.

We both removed out shifts. I was more than happy that she keep her stockings on. They were tied with blue ribbons just above her knees and were an added fillip to my arousal, if any should be needed.

‘I think this is what you like my Lord. Is it not?’ And saying that she turned over on all fours and spread her cunt wide with her fingers. I felt fit to explode at this heavenly sight. Her juices, caught in the candlelight, welcomed me like a jewel to the promised land.

‘Do not tarry my Lord. To business if you please.’

She worked me hard that night and took me through a repertoire of positions that were almost beyond my comprehending. I did flag at one point. I think the rattle of the hailstones on the windowpane threw me off but she brought me round by taking me in her mouth like a succubus.

Eventually it became time to climax and beholding unto her wishes I extracted myself from her and anointed her by spraying my semen upon her breasts.

Some drops had landed on her chin and she licked them off while her hand massaged her cunt. Shortly she reached her own oblivion and as she writhed and cried out I gave her absolution.

It just tripped off my tongue as I had heard the cardinal say it so often,

‘I pardon you and absolve you from all your sins. In nomine patris et filii, spiritus sanctus.

‘Thank you my Lord, for your unction and your absolution,’ she said in the hushed tones of a supplicant.

At which point I slumped forward and lay beside Milady de Blois. I was drained to within an inch of my life but happy in the knowledge that I had greatly pleased her and at the same time made a cuckold of her husband.

Part One: Male POV by Cousin Pons can be read here…

Part One: Female POV by May More can be read here…

Part Two: Female POV by May More can be read here…

This is linked to the Wicked Wednesday Meme.



Cousin Pons
Tantalizing Tales

I have been writing erotica since 2017. Often with an historical setting and a dash of humour.