Photo by Arun Prakash on Unsplash

Beyond the Edge of Time

Tantalizing Tales


“All we know is still infinitely less than all that remains unknown.”#9

Flashback to #8 Eka and chaitya spent a mesmerizing time together, Alas! She forgot it for a moment or didn’t want to remember it.

I was rewinding my whole night resting in bed. I sighed disappointedly and asked god, “Why do you keep sending two handsome men into my life at a time? You know I can’t choose one of them. Both are flawless.”

I was thinking about Amritaya and Chaitya. They had unique features that were desired by every woman it didn’t matter whether she belonged to this era or the future.

I was drawn to both yet afraid to take the first move, Fearing I was not good enough for them.

Photo by Kuppism on Unsplash

I heard Ganga saying, “Wake up Eka it’s morning!”

I didn’t know when I fell asleep last night, but here I stood ready to face another day.

I replied, “Oohh! morning Ganga, where is Ronny?”

She answered, “Thanks to me he didn’t spend the night with a dancer or on the street holding a bottle of liquor.”

Ronny murmured, “You ruined my best night.”

I laughed and said, “Ganga, Thank you!”

Ganga informed me, “Amritaya’s soldier brought you a message, read it.”

Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash

Opening the roll of paper, I read, “Eka, remember our first meeting. I will be waiting for you at the same spot, and don’t forget to bring Ronny with you.”

As we drew near to the forest, I saw Amritaya waiting with a few of his soldiers.

Amritaya called out, “I have a surprise for you, wanna see?”

We were curious, I asked, “What it is?”

Showing a book, he said, “I found your way to return home.”

I screamed in excitement and hugged Amritaya, Ronny also knew the importance of the book, and he was happy too.

After analyzing the book I asked, “How did you get your hands on it?”

He replied, “Last night I found it in the secret room of Soma.”

I hurried to check if the book was complete or half-written.

Ronny said, “I think I have seen this book, Soma was hiding it in the basement.”

I asked, “On which day did he come and hide it there?”

Ronny replied, “Just one day before you came to rescue me.”

Photo by Sreehari Devadas on Unsplash

I was mad and let out, “Soma lied to me about everything, the book was with him from the beginning.”

Amritaya said to comfort me, “He is paying for his mistakes.”

A manly voice that I recognised said, “I’m not so pleased to see you here, Nayaka Amritaya.”

I was shocked and spoke out, “Chaitya!!”

Amritaya replied furiously, “I’m not here to please you, Nayaka Chaitya.”

Chaitya shouted, “This territory is under my hold, don’t forget!”

Amritaya responded in a strong voice, “The protection of the entire kingdom is my obligation. Are you trying to deny the supremacy of the King?”

Photo by Karthik B K on Unsplash

I could feel the tension around me and pleaded, “Please calm down both of you.”

Chaitya turned his attention to me and asked, “What are you doing here? What’s that book?”

He took the book to read it, but Amritaya interrupted, saying, “It’s crucial, you can’t read it.”

Amritaya asked, “Eka, how do you know him?”

Before I could speak, Chaitya replied, “It’s none of your concern. She is not your beloved, so she is not answerable to you.”

Amritaya drew his sword and said, “She is someone I care about. You better not interfere.”

Chaitya laughed and replied, “It is my concern, I care about her more than you do.”

Photo by Sergey Vinogradov on Unsplash

The guards of both were also wielding their swords at each other’s throats. Then, both Nayakas started fighting for the book just to show who cared more about me.

I asked Ronny to speak, but he was enjoying the quarrel and said, “Eka, you are very precious, I do care about you, my dear friend.”

I hit Ronny angrily and said, “You better shut your mouth.”

I screamed when I saw the time travel book was tossed up in the air. The next moment, the book was torn into two parts, one in Amritaya’s hand and another in Chaitya’s hand.”

I cried in anger and yelled, “Stop fighting! Stop it. You guys have not only torn the book, but you also ripped my hope.”

I went home crying, ignoring everyone behind me. I could hear my name, but I didn’t stop.

Ganga reassured me, saying, “Don’t weep Eka, the Sanskrit book is repaired.”

I wiped my tears to glance at her, I embraced Ganga she was my savior. She said, “Eka, both officers are waiting for you. Talk to them, please!”

I looked outside. Chaitya and Amritaya were still gazing spitefully at each other.

I asked, “Ganga, is it essential to face them?”

She replied with a smile, “You shouldn’t prevent Nayakas and soldiers. They are here for you.”

Photo by Charu Chaturvedi on Unsplash

Both joined me for tea but were hesitant to approach.

Chaitya tapped my cheek and let out, “Why Eka? I am struggling to see your swollen eyes, sorry!”

Amritaya pushed Chaitya’s hand and cleared his throat to speak.

Amritaya, holding my hand, said, “I was trying to protect the book, I know it’s essential. Forgive me!”

Ganga and Ronny were gossiping and grinning at the chaos. I knew why it was amusing for them.

I broke my silence by saying, “I’m not used to much attention and also I’m not angry anymore, after all we are all friends!”

I was amused to see them smiling because of me but still hateful to each other. Both left to their work after requesting me to meet them privately. They had important matters to discuss with me.

Photo by Klara Kulikova on Unsplash

At dusk, Amritaya brought me to a hill where beautiful temples were situated. It seemed unique because of its white stones compared to other temples that were carved out of black river bedrock.

Amritaya pointed towards the forest and said, “Can you see the round structure in the middle of the woods?”

I concentrated because it was hard to notice and replied, “Yes! I can, but not clearly.”

He curiously said, “The round structure is mentioned in manuscripts. After discussing with scholars, I can conclude it’s a time travel portal.”

I knew my night was going to be filled with excitement. I was amazed and said, “I can’t wait anymore, let’s visit tomorrow.”

Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

Amritaya held my hand in place on his chest and said, “Eka, can’t you feel my love? Is it necessary to leave? Did I treat you badly?”

I smiled with tearful eyes and replied, “What can I do about feelings and emotions? I know I didn’t belong ..”

Amritaya pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. The sound of his racing heart made me speechless. He said, “Stay! Stay with me, I’ll love you until my last breath.”

I sighed and replied, “Please! understand, we are different.”

Ignoring my words, He kissed me passionately, and I didn’t want to ignore my feelings for him. No more resistance, I closed my eyes to feel immersed in his love. My heart felt light like my burden was gone. I was no longer self-conscious.

Holding my head in his hands, he whispered, “Eka, will you marry me?” His sharp gaze pierced my heart. His eyes were waiting for my answer. I didn’t know how to face him, I clutched him in my arms. I admired his affection, which I had never felt before, I wanted him forever.

To be continued…

by Thomas AE on Unsplash



Tantalizing Tales

Dreamy Drama 💟 wild women 🤷‍♀️ Fantasy Fondness 😶‍🌫️ Seren Spirit 🪷