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Mail Order Bride, Romance, Part 1

Buying a Bride in Russia

Part One: Ana left her hopeless life in Russia, hoping to exchange it for a more comfortable one in England, but then she’s handed a mop and bucket at arrival. Now what?

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
6 min readJul 26, 2022


Ana rubbed her calloused hands. Soon they would heal. She would get cream and nurture them all day long.

She stared out the window of the plane. So many people in the world, all with different lives and ways of living. And here she was, embarking on a new adventure. This morning at the airport she had kissed her mother goodbye. She had characteristically shed a lot of tears but had wished her well in her new life. Ana knew she blamed herself for not giving her daughter a better chance at life where she grew up.

Her aunt had given her a small present to pass on to Raya, the cousin who had inspired this adventure. Raya had travelled to England a year earlier to marry an English gentleman. And, completely Raya style, she hadn’t married her intended but was now engaged to his brother. As soon as her divorce from her Russian husband was final, they would get married.

Her cousin had also inspired her to join the website and find a foreign husband. Anywhere life would be…



Liz BlackX
Tantalizing Tales

Writer of Erotic Fiction | Sex Blogger | Sex Toy Reviewer | Lover of Erotica, BDSM, Cats & Coffee 😼 @EroFicDeluxe #EroticFictionDeluxe