Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

Short Series

Handcuffs for Beginners Part 1

Jane finds a solution for Anne’s problem.

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
5 min readNov 27, 2021


Jane was enjoying a coffee with her neighbour, Anne, who was 20 years older but a close friend since they had moved in.

“So, how are you finding things since David retired?”

Anne looked downcast. “Well, it’s lovely, but after 30 years married to a busy orthopaedic surgeon, I thought I’d see more of him. He’s decorated and mended the kids’ houses, built a new shed for our friends, and has a list of jobs he’s planning to do for people. He can’t stop helping others, and he can’t stop putting in nails and screws. He’s so good at it that everyone seems to want him. By bedtime he’s quite exhausted, if you know what I mean”.

“Oh Goodness! I’m sorry, I was about to ask if you could send him round to mend my kitchen cupboard door. Don’t worry, I’ll get someone else”.

Anne laughed. “Really, it sounds like a little job, and you’re only next door. Expect him tomorrow”.

“Thanks! I’ll find a way to repay you, I promise”.

The next morning, David, a tall, handsome 62 year old, carried his tool box in to her kitchen, smiling. He liked Jane, in the way an older man might like his favourite niece. She looked him up and down as he worked. Jeans…

