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Misunderstanding Writing Prompt, Fiction

Imagine for a Moment that I’m your Wife

I was bored and single and there was nowhere to go but the internet. One night I got a little carried away. I did things for the camera…

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
9 min readSep 16, 2022


Floriza hesitated at the sight of her reflection in the glass door.

“Lomas Potok & Son: Investigation Services” was printed in gold leaf above a faded sticker reading ‘push to open’. She pushed and walked in. This was all new and a little frightening. Her heels clacked on the floorboards.

“Mrs Scott?” Potok came smoothly around his desk, one hand out for shaking. “Twelve o’clock sharp as agreed,” he smiled. “I appreciate that.”

Short and stocky in casual clothes and boots, Potok looked more like a burgler than a detective. Floriza accepted his offer of coffee and glanced around. Polished oak floor, chrome and glass furniture, the inevitable computer. A square of sunshine from the single window and a rumble of conversation from next door suggested thin walls and low rent.

“So, Mrs Scott-”

“Floriza, please, I insist.”

Potok nodded. She was nervous but confident. Not many customers turned up in designer suits and…



Solomon Sinn Seer
Tantalizing Tales

Retired journalist. Lifelong lover of words. Collector of extraordinary memories.