Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

Foot Fetish, Erotic Fiction

Lover from the Sea

She holds her feet up to me as an offering. I never get enough of seeing her round heels, thick soles, and playful toes…

Jacques Gerard
Tantalizing Tales
Published in
6 min readApr 23, 2022


Nighttime brings her to me. I sit in a large wicker chair on the deck of a bungalow and look out at the mouth of the lagoon fed by the sea as it darkened in the night. A warm breeze relaxes me as the amber glow from tiki torches grows in the night. With a snifter of brandy in hand, I take a sip as my eyes search the waters. Out of the darkness of the lagoon, I hear a loud splash. I smile with anticipation. It won’t be long before I see her.

A few moments have passed as I watched her walk up the steps to the deck out of the lagoon. Her long and wavy light brown hair covers her bare breasts. Unashamed of her nakedness, she steps onto the patio and smiles when she sees me. I stand to meet her and take her into my arms.

The look in her eyes always enchants me. She places her hand on my bare chest over my heart. From the tips of her emerald green fingernails the magic of desire flows. We kiss.

Her voice speaks in my mind. “Make love to me.”

Telepathy, I always marvel at how we could communicate with our thoughts. My fingers caress her cheek and I look over at the open sliding glass door to the bungalow and back at her. I wink and smile while I hold out my arm. She takes it. We stroll inside.

Inside the bungalow soft lights shimmer. We step into a sunken room. The doors slides in place behind us. The walls and ceiling are clear showing under the deep blue sea. Fish swim in the peaceful scene. She looks around.

“You did this?” She says, with a voice full of surprise.

“Yes,” I reply with a smile. “You’re not the only one with magical abilities.”

Her face flushed. “I feel at home.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her on the side of her neck. The scent of jasmine is on her skin. I moan as my fingers caress her breasts. Her nipples stiffen under my fingertips.

“You’re lovely.” I say.

Into my arms she settles. Her head falls backward and I kiss her neck. Our bodies sway to the song of a smooth tenor saxophone. The feeling of her body next to mine soothes me. She turns. Her fingers loosen my Lava-Lava and it falls to the floor. Gazing at my nakedness she says, “That’s better.”

She looks into me as she gently caresses my cock. Her fingers savor melting me with her touch. The energy of her warmth, her caring, and her femininity, it’s no wonder I melt. That was only the start, her soft mouth plants kisses on my chest as she kneels in front of me. Raising my member to her lips, she greets it with a soft touch of her lips. Her tongue swirls round the tip of my manhood. I quiver from the rush as it hardens. She takes it into her mouth. Her lips pull and slurp. Then she releases my cock and stares up at me.

“It’s so beautiful!” She declares licking the tip. Then she takes it back into her mouth and sucks it again. I shudder again, which only encourages her to keep her tongue twirling around my staff while engulfing it in her mouth.

She pauses to lay back on the king size bed in the center of the room. Her eyes gaze upon her feet as she raises them up. The emerald green color on her toenails glistens, her round toes spread as they paw at my erection. I love her feet. They’re beautiful. To think moments earlier they were part of her fish tail. Her feet clasp my cock and sensual energy flows into me. I’m putty or as she relates to me, I am gooey like a jellyfish.

She enjoys making me vulnerable with her feet. When we met, the thought of her feet being sensual never occurred to her. She adores my foot fetish.

She holds her feet up to me as an offering. I never get enough of seeing her round heels, thick soles, and playful toes. I hold her ankles then my tongue swipes up her soles. I inhale the essence of her feet. My tongue traces the wrinkles in her soles before it flicks under her toes.

I look and see her breast in the grasp of her hand. With seeking fingers reaching into the air and her eyelids shut, she mouths a silent moan. It pleases me to watch her like this as I make love to her feet. I never get enough.

I kiss inside her thighs to her bald mound. The only sign of her being a mermaid is the small delicate fins that are her pussy lips. My tongue traces over them. Each time it touches them she shudders. I savor her sweetness from gentle swipes in her opening. Her fingers stroke the back of my clean shaven head.

She writhes from the sensation of her clit’s sensitivity. I keep licking, and hold her hips in place as ecstasy overtakes her. She arches her back and a gush of her juices flows into my mouth.

I position myself on top of her. Her hair covers her full round breasts. My eyes fasten on them as I move her long locks aside so my tongue tastes her erect nipples. As I suckle them, her hands rub over my back. My cock touches her opening.

“Go inside me.” Her voice sounds breathless in my mind.

“Get on top,” I roll onto my back.

Her fingers guide my turgid member into her wetness as she settles on top of me. She rocks her hips and enjoys every inch of me inside her. Juices from her slit coat my manhood as her eyes close and she releases a silent cry. I see she is under the spell of a powerful orgasm.

Her orgasm fades. But I hold her on top.

“Come for me some more. You know I love watching you come,” I say in her mind.

With a warm smile she nods and we work our hips in tandem. Rapture takes her again. This time, when her orgasm ends, another takes over. Her fingernails rake over my chest as her mouth, wide open, utters silent cries.

The rush of her magical energy flows from her pussy into my cock. It feels so spiritual and soothing. I cycle my human energy back into her through her hands on my chest and keep her deep in ecstasy.

Her orgasms ebb and she slumps to my chest. Gentle kisses touch it. I hold her enjoying her warmth. She looks into my eyes.

“Time for you to have yours.”

With that she rolls off me and pulls me on top of her with ease. I am reminded that, though I am big and muscular, she is much stronger than me, one would never guess from her petite athletic figure.

Her hand reaches to slip me back into her. My lips pull at her nipples. While sucking them, her hands wander over my back and caress the back of my head. I look into her eyes. The link between our spirits grows.

The walls of her pussy tighten around my cock as I push it deep inside her. With each thrust, she caresses my member, taking me closer to the edge. My lips quiver. They’re desperate to touch hers. Our tongues dance. The pulsating of her channel locks me in place. I can’t push! Her sensual energy floods me and my cock gushes. My body is petrified as I cried out in rapture.

“Yes my love! Flow inside me! I’m here with you!” Her mind says to mine.

She nestles in my arms enjoying the afterglow of our love making. We look at the sea life swimming over the ceiling. The peace and silence is perfect.

“I wish I could be in your arms forever,” she says. “I must go back into the sea. My spell for me to be on land is waning.”

We walk back to the patio and share a final long kiss. She retreats down the steps and dives into the lagoon. After a couple of minutes she surfaces, blows me a kiss, and waves good-bye before she disappears underwater. I watch her fishtail splash breaking the surface, before it submerges into the water.

In my heart, I long for tomorrow to come quickly, when the night brings her to me.

The End

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