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Love, hate, adventure

Relics : Jeweled Demise

Part 2: ready to face the rage.

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2024


Previous episode — she was screaming, She was angry that someone could touch her.

Kaura was in deep thought about the mysterious guy she encountered. She squeezed her red soft cheeks and saw herself in the mirror. A gentle smile appeared on her face unknowingly. His words echoed in her mind, “I feel heaven.”

She cursed him badly saying, “Immoral guy.”

She had a mixed bag of feelings.

Her father, the King, saw her and asked, “Is there something wrong? Why are you angry?”

Kaura replied, “I feel some outsiders in the kingdom are uncivilized.”

King laughed and asked, “Did somebody offend you? Shall I ban the entry of visitors?”

She nodded her head and sighed, saying, “No father, it’s unfair to people, I can’t be selfish.”

King smiled and left saying, “Kaura, they can’t be unethical just because they don’t fit in our mold.”

Kaura was affected by King’s broad-mindedness, and she decided not to ruin her day due to a stranger’s behavior.

Photo by Leo Yao on Unsplash

In the morning Prince Ayugwan and his friends were near the boundary of the kingdom.

Dharma saw the prince alone and went on to talk, “When we cross the river…today we are going to reach our territory.”

Ayugwan breathed and threw a stone in the water. Without looking at his friend Dharma he agreed but sighed saying, “Aaa haaa.”

Dharma knew the prince was reluctant to leave and suggested, “If you want we can take her with us…”

Ayugwan was shocked he replied with a smile, “One day the Kaura and her kingdom both will be mine.”

Dharma laughed and asked, “Don’t you feel yesterday’s meeting wasn’t that pleasant?”

Ayugwan looked into Dharma's eyes and both laughed loudly.

Prince said, “My bad!”

Ayugwan sighed and said, “Let’s go, Father will be worried for us.”

Photo by Cajeo Zhang on Unsplash

The tense situation in between the kingdoms was rising. Both had different idealogy. Always the strong wanted to capture the weaker one. Sivi kingdom was a democracy, their people were supreme. But on the other hand, big and dominant Dwaita kingdom had a monarchy and hierarchy, a king.

After peace talks, Sivi was still firm on the decision of staying independent and protecting the sovereignty.

They hurt the ego of Dwaita’s king and he wanted to wage war, but due to pressure from ministers he had to be peaceful, at least for name sake.

The dominant King of Dwaita ordered, “Ayugwan my son, you are given the responsibility to show our power to the people of Sivi.”

Dharma the general of Dwaita was chosen to fight along with Prince.

Photo by Neil Mewes on Unsplash

Prince Ayugwan’s army was standing before the Sivi. Prince didn’t have any option but to accept the command of his father.

The strong frontline of Sivi army was defeated by the Prince in the blink of an eye.

Dharma shouted, “Prince, the warriors are defeated! Now we have to face common people.”

Prince was worried about innocent people. But the proud Sivi’s denied to surrender. They surprised Dwaita’s with an animal attack, which could prove deadly for the soldiers.

Dharma’s strong voice was audible to everyone on battleground, “Beware of the cattle.”

Prince knew Sivi would use this trick and he shouted, “Light the fire arrows, scare them away.”

The groups of soldiers showered the battleground with burning arrows and forced the direction of the stampeding cattle and angry animals to turn towards the river.

Soldiers hailed the prince in joy. They were blessed to have an intelligent and brave Prince.

Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

Kaura was in panic after hearing about the death of Sivi’s Army General. The King of Sivi declared to take the command of war.

Kaura confronted King saying, “Father, I’m going to lead the women’s battalion.”

King nodded and replied, “I’m proud of your bravery.”

The King of Sivi Chandra asked his brother, “Madra, how can a powerful general die? Did he hand over the army seal to anybody?”

Madra replied, “Soldiers are in chaos, I don’t know about the seal.”

King Chandra marched to fight Prince Ayugwan. Madra was trying to take the general’s dead body in order to get his hands on the seal.

Dharma knew about the women soldiers protecting the Sivi’s palace and secret bases. He sidelined Prince Ayugwan and took the attack of King Chandra.

Dharma said loudly, “Tomb in the western palace.”

Prince Ayugwan left hastily on his white horse with a bunch of excellent soldiers. He was ready to face the rage of fierce Princess Kaura and her women soldiers.

Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

Madra got his hands on the dragon seal and he yelled, “I, the commander of Sivi army, order the soldiers to retreat.”

Everyone was shocked seeing him, but still soldiers had to follow him. King Chandra was angered and marched towards his brother.

Both brothers of Sivi kingdom were fighting in a blood-stained battleground.

His own sworn brother assassinated the King Chandra. Madra took the soldiers, and a few people also flew to take refugee in the friendly kingdom of Odra.

Dwaita’s army was on the brink of attacking the Palace of Sivi. Some soldiers plundered the common people and destroyed houses, and shops in rage. The cruelty was out of control, still the Sivi’s were ready to fight until their last breath for Princess Kaura.

To be Continued …



Tantalizing Tales

Dreamy Drama 💟 wild women 🤷‍♀️ Fantasy Fondness 😶‍🌫️ Seren Spirit 🪷