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Rockstar, Erotica

Rocky Road to Christmas Part 1

Being invited backstage was like a dream, but would they connect?

Liz BlackX
Tantalizing Tales
Published in
10 min readNov 30, 2021


Lars winked a me! The lead singer of Danger Pitch had really winked at me when our eyes had met during his performance. Others would say I was imagining things, but to me it was clear as day. The butterflies in my stomach were twirling and I danced and jumped even more fervently to their music than before.

The concert was amazing. I was front row the entire time. My ears were ringing from standing too close to the speakers, but I needed to be as close as possible to the band.

The applause died down once we were convinced they really weren’t coming back after the encore had ended. I was tired, but filled with excitement at the same time. I stayed close to the stage, waiting for them to come out to talk to fans and to give autographs.

Erica was the first one who came out. She played the guitar and did back-up vocals. She was not the object of my affection. She was a decent artist, but I did not care for her. There were plenty of boys waiting for her, wanting a smidgen of her attention.

After Erica, Matthew and Zobo came out, the bassist and drummer respectively. Last out was Lars. His blond short hair was still dripping water from…



Liz BlackX
Tantalizing Tales

Writer of Erotic Fiction | Sex Blogger | Sex Toy Reviewer | Lover of Erotica, BDSM, Cats & Coffee 😼 @EroFicDeluxe #EroticFictionDeluxe