A gnarled trunk of a tree
© 2009, Gary Rogers

Save the Trees

Grimm Lamont
Tantalizing Tales
6 min readApr 2, 2022


It’s been seventeen hours since Edison had chained themselves to the oldest oak tree in the forest, and they were starting to get frightened in the whispering darkness. The forest was alive with subtle movement. The large excavator brought in by the development company had been abandoned for the night, foreign and strange against the richly forested backdrop. The only human left in the forest sat strapped to the oldest being, a thick oak tree. No one else in their organization had the gumption to stay in the forest like Edison. They sat quietly and listened to the gentle wind for the sound of coyote barks or the roars of bears. Fatigue tugged at their eyelids, but they tried to stay alert, in case of bears or yetis or evil businessmen.

As Edison looked forward at the dark expanse of trees, a figure studied them from atop the tree. Galin, a wood nymph sworn to protect this patch of forest, had seen Edison all day, the heroic way they risked their safety and taken verbal abuse to save this particular tree and all its inhabitants. Galin liked the muscular square build of Edison’s body. She particularly liked watching Edison’s cool, unaffected gaze as the construction company’s men berated them. Edison dressed kind of like the lumberjacks that Galin had come to hate and fear; they wore a red flannel shirt underneath a black puffer coat and thick jeans. Their work boots were black and streaked with mud. Edison was falling asleep and waking up, shooting their head upright after it would fall to the side to rest on their shoulder.

Galin climbed down from her perch. She was dressed like any sprite, topless with a skirt of oak leaves plucked from the tree she called home. She was tall for a wood nymph at 5 feet. Her body was tightly toned from her life of tree climbing, and she used that experience now to speedily descend. She dropped nearly silently in front of Edison’s sleeping form and leaned in for a closer look.

Edison’s dark curls fell onto their forehead as they leaned against the tree and slept. Their skin was tanned and freckled from farm work. Their face was smooth and round, with thick eyebrows. Galin smiled and gently caressed their face.

Edison stirred, then sat back in shock. Galin was unlike anything they had seen before, so humanlike but with skin the color of spring foliage, light green and lively. The wood nymph had natural curves to her, and black hair pulled back into a long braid that nearly swept the floor.

“I am Galin,” the wood nymph said, sitting down across from Edison. “I protect this tree, and I wanted to thank you personally for what you’ve done for it.” Galin crawled closer so she could hold Edison’s gloved hand.

“This is such a vivid dream, holy shit.” Edison’s voice was groggy, but they were alert enough to hold Galin’s hand back, grasping the dainty palm. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever”

“Well, I’m not quite a person,” Galin giggled. “I am the wood nymph of this tree. Please, let me treat you. Is there anything I can do to thank you for what you’ve done?

Edison tried hard to keep their eyes on Galin’s face, to not let their eyes travel towards her ample bare chest. Galin noticed and brought her pointer finger behind her ear. Edison’s gaze followed as she slowly brought the finger along her flesh, ending at one of her erect olive-green nipples. She swirled circles around the nipple. “Anything you want, dear stranger.” Galin said with a sly smile.

“I think I’d like you for tonight.” Edison said.

Galin stood up and began to dance, rocking her hips back and forth as she turned to expose her muscled back. She untied her makeshift skirt and brought the waistband below the beginning of her peach shaped ass. She bounced her cheeks first, looking behind her to watch as Edison’s face flushed. Galin turned and walked closer to Edison, laughing at the way Edison tried to reach out and touch her despite being bound to the tree.

Galin keeled, straddling Edison and placing her hands against the tree by their ears. She gently shook her chest, bringing her nipples to eye level of her captive audience. Edison moved to just barely take her right breast into their mouth, tasting the sweet brine of her sweat. She smelled like fresh moss, like when the trees realize it’s springtime and season the air in celebration.

Galin pressed her body against the chains, against Edison’s soft warm body underneath. She sucked on Edison’s neck while reaching downward, undoing the button of their jeans. Galin reached in and found a small package throbbing with life. “How would you like me to touch you, dear stranger? And what do you call this?”

Edison held back a moan as Galin’s hands cupped and caressed. “I…I like you touching me like that. I call it my clitty, just nice and gentle like that.” Galin smiled at the word, “Clitty? That’s cute! Your clitty is so soft, I want to taste it. Can I?” Edison nodded as their response caught in their throat.

Galin pulled Edison’s pants and underwear down to their knees. Edison strained a bit against the chains as Galin’s mouth met their clitty, kissing gently. Galin looked up at Edison as she licked along the shaved satin folds, watching Edison tense as pleasure pulsed through their body. When Galin took the head of their clitty into her mouth and gently sucked, Edison’s head rolled back and they took a sharp breath in.

Galin pulled her mouth away, dragging her fingers up and down Edison’s thighs while a thought crossed her mind. “Would you like to taste me? Galin said.

“More than anything,” Edison said, and licked their lips as they watched Galin smile in response.

First, Galin moved in to give them a long, wet kiss. Galin kept gently playing with Edison’s clitty, matching the sensual intensity Edison’s kisses held. Edison struggled against their restraints, their body succumbing to uncontrollable little spasms. Then, Galin flipped over, positioning her wet hole close to Edison’s mouth.

She held herself up by leaning her knees against the trees on each side of Edison’s head. She let her weight rest against her forearms, which were pressed against the soft forest floor in between Edison’s open legs. She continued her oral seduction, taking Edison’s clitty in her mouth and swirling her tongue like gusts of warm wind. Edison licked and sucked on Galin’s pussy, reveling in the sweet evergreen taste of her arousal.

Soon, the pleasure built enough that Edison felt an orgasm start to stir. Galin felt their body shift under her, so she increased her intensity, swirling her tongue faster. It was just enough to bring Edison over the edge; they came thin, liquidy ropes into Galin’s open mouth.

Galin ended her acrobatics, flipping back over and turning to face Edison. They were flushed and breathing heavy, and Galin smiled at the way this made them looked wilder. “Will you be here tomorrow?” Galin asked.

Edison laughed before saying, “I’ll be here every night until I save this patch of forest from the Logging company. No idea how long that’ll take, but definitely another few days.”

Galin clapped with excitement. “I will visit you every night until then. It’s so lovely having a new friend.” With that, Galin stood and found a foothold along the side of the tree to begin her climb back home. Edison strained their neck to watch her go, until her form disappeared against the lush pillow of leaves.

“I’ve never had a dream so vivid,” Edison said aloud and laughed.

As the wind picked up the cool night air and stirred the fallen leaves and sticks on the forest floor, they realized that their pants were still down. After a few attempts at scooting them back up like an inchworm, a fantastic realization dawned on them; there would be many more rewards for protecting this ancient tree.



Grimm Lamont
Tantalizing Tales

Horny Queer Writer trying to make it in the big leagues. LGBTQ+ erotic/romance stories in Sci-fi and Fantasy worlds.