Two women holding hands, a mature brunette with round spectacles and a teal dress suit sitting facing a younger blond who is crying. The background is a dimly lit office. warm palette of reds and golds.
“I Don’t Know What You Want” by the author © Teresa Wymore


Secrets of the Velvet Trap — 5

Fear and its erotic recoil strengthen Eddie’s seductive grip on Eleanor’s psyche.

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
8 min readApr 18, 2024


In 1930s Chicago, a troubled psychoanalyst and her tormented young patient pursue an unethical affair. In the shadows of an underground fetish club, their dark eroticism exposes the raw edges of desire.


Eleanor’s secretary, Dot, scooped up the stack of papers she planned to file and opened the door. She let it close again and said, “Miss Langley is here.”

Eleanor glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner. “Give me a few minutes, and then send her in.”

After Dot left, Eleanor removed her round spectacles and leaned back in her desk chair. She tapped her lip with one gold temple arm. In the soft light of her office, she sat working with her usual commanding focus, but always, there were signs of a lurking restlessness.

She wore a skirt suit, the fabric a wool blend in a dark teal. With its sharp lapels and crisp shoulders, the jacket sculpted her with formality, yet beneath the structure, an unruly silk blouse shifted against her skin. Her black…



Teresa Wymore 🏳️‍🌈
Tantalizing Tales

Author-Illustrator | Morally ambiguous lesbian fiction & dark eroticism | Pursuing Jouissance |