By cottonbro — adapted by author

Short Christmas Story

Spice up your Life

I moved slightly over as he pushed his body up against mine

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
4 min readDec 18, 2021


I’d seen him a few weeks before — we had a mutual friend. It was then he’d caught my eye — his were dark and brooding. Tonight I chose to sit next to him. Someone began to place the drinks on our large table and we all took our respective tipple.

I felt a little dazed as I could smell him. Not an aftershave or cologne, him. I could smell his body, his sex, his love of life and women. My heart involuntarily beat faster.

I quickly took a glimpse. He had one or two buttons undone on his shirt, and a light splattering of dark chest hair peeped through. Yeah, he was sexy alright.

Cat pushed in beside me, catapulting me back to reality.

“Budge up,” she mewed, elbowing me as she shimmied along the wooden bench.

He began to talk to the overly made up woman opposite us. She was older than me, and let’s be frank, more used. I didn’t fear her power — I could smell him.

The conversation was buoyant with all in the group trying to share their opinion. Turning to me, he asked,

“It’s warm in here, isn’t it?”



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Tantalizing Tales

Gardener, Pet specialist & proud Mum / Mistress of Flash Fiction / Writer & Editor / Cocktail Club Publications / Like food, coffee, hens & individuals