Short Story, Erotica

Summoning her Perfect Man

Bethany makes a wish for her perfect man, but she doesn’t expect it to actually come true

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
8 min readMay 9, 2021


There it was, the hill with the white horse. The tall grass swished against her skirt as she strode up the slight incline, following along the back of the horse until she got to its head. It felt wrong walking across its face, and even worse to stand on its eye, but Bethany was desperate.

She closed her eyes, made her wish, and shuffled around on the spot, once, twice, three times.

She waited.

The breeze picked up, pulling a few hairs free from her bun to tickle the back of her neck but she couldn’t hear anything.

She opened one eye, just enough to peer through.


She opened both eyes, turning in another circle, to take in her surroundings.

No one.

Guess it was just a myth after all.

Her shoulders sagged, and she turned to head back the way she’d come, bumping into a broad chest.

“Oh!” She stepped back as two hands came down to clamp on her shoulders.



Tantalizing Tales

Author of both sweet and steamy romance and short stories. Check out my books at