A woman reclines with her head on a railway track, railway bridge in the background
Image courtesy of Marti Pardo on Pexels

Micro Monday | Sexuality | Quickie | Stranger

Teasing on the Train

Strangers on a train make the most of the dark to explore each other’s bodies

Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2022


When suddenly the crowded train entered a tunnel, the carriage lights flickered briefly, then failed, plunging everything in darkness. Amid sounds of startlement and confusion, a body fell against her. Trudi hoped it was the young man she was fantasising about. They’d waited at the same dusty station. His stumble pushed Trudi’s thighs apart while, for balance, his hand landed just above her breast.

Electricity jolted when they touched. His close proximity had sizzled at the edge of her consciousness. Furtively she covered his hand and dragged it under her T shirt to capture her breast, encouraging him to squeeze.

She would’ve groaned at his touch, but silence was imperative. He didn’t resist or pull back, she was emboldened. With her other hand she brushed the front of his shorts, discovering the attraction was reciprocated. His cock was ramrod stiff behind the cotton. Pressing and stroking its outline she was impressed with its size and heat.

The stranger’s fingers grasped and explored her breast, tracing the outline of her nipple, toying with the piercing which enhanced her sensitivity. Without further…



✍ Posy Churchgate
Tantalizing Tales

Writing original Fiction without a Niche * Erotica & Romance* for More Subscribe to Ream https://reamstories.com/posy_churchgate Edits Tantalizing & Teaer Tales