Illustration of buxom female going into “The Club”
Copyright — the author


The Club

I’m scared and aroused in equal measures. How far will my Mistress let this go?

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
10 min readJul 11, 2021


“Are you sure?” She asks me.

I can barely hear her over the pulsing beat of the Nine Inch Nails blasting through the club’s sound system. I nod, and the blindfold slips over my eyes. I stifle a gasp as my world turns dark.

This was what I wanted. This is why she brought me here, now I am going to see if I can really go through with it. Sam, of course, is an old hand. She introduced me to all of this. I mean the real stuff, not the web sites or the stories or the magazines. The raw reality of BDSM. And this club is way off the radar; hardcore.

I stand anxiously; I’m not cold despite my scanty attire of heels, stockings, a leather suspender belt, a tiny thong that is little more than a scrap of translucent back cloth and the leather half cup corset. I still can’t believe I came dressed like this. I’ve been to the club a couple of times before, but I always wore a dress. I was just exploring, learning.

Oh, and the collar.

It fits snugly around my neck, warm and unyielding, the slightest of tension from the leash which Samantha holds in her hand. She takes my hand and starts to lead me. The collar is more of a ‘don’t touch without permission’ notice. But Sam’s intention is to give permission, we agreed a lot of what was and wasn’t OK before we came and I trust her to help guide me through this.

Another hand brushes my shoulder and I know it can’t be Sam’s, she’s ahead of me. I gasp, but the feeling of those strange fingers is like a jolt of electricity. Another gentle brush against my thigh.

Oh god.

I can hear murmurs, appreciative noises, chuckles. The music is so loud that everything else is muted. I think I hear Sam’s voice chatting to someone, then there are hands on my waist and a body behind me. Lips brush my shoulder and I want to moan. The lips caress my skin softly, up my neck. I can feel that the leash is still in front of me, so it’s a stranger. I sigh, my head naturally tilting to one side to allow the lips to find more of my shoulder and the neck below the collar. It just happens without thinking.

I’m fairly sure the lips are female, I think there’s lipstick on them and there’s a soft scent of perfume in amongst the smell of alcohol and sweat; in places like this that does not automatically mean a woman, but the touch is light, the fingers slender. The hands move up and cup my breasts and I do moan now.

The hands squeeze gently and they are clad in leather. It feels so erotic and I just stand quivering, unable to move. The lips move upwards past the collar and trace my earlobe.

“You’re beautiful.”

The voice is soft, husky laced with honey. I ought to say something, I should speak.

“Thank you…”

She chuckles.

“Maybe I’ll see you around later.”

I swallow hard, not quite sure how to respond. The hands release their grip and the lips draw away. She pats me on the rump and there is a tug on the leash and I take a faltering step forwards. The floor changes to wood, I can hear my heels and feel the hardness. This is the corridor that runs between the playrooms. I try and judge how far down we are going, but it’s so hard to tell. Then I’m pulled to the left. The music is less oppressive in here, but still mutes the voices I can hear. We’re not alone.

I’m led inside and I feel something soft against the front of my thighs. I bend down and my hands are guided to the padded seat. I climb up and kneel on all fours. I feel absolutely terrified, but at the same time completely alive and exhilarated. I know roughly what’s coming, that is to say, we defined clear limits, so I know what can’t happen, but beyond that, it’s up to Sam.

I’m scared and aroused in equal measures. How far will my Mistress let this go? I feel like this was pretty reckless. Am I being stupid? But I also know how wet I am and my nipples are as hard as steel. My heart is hammering, but it’s not all terror.

I wanted this.

I want this.

I lay down trying to be elegant and to hide the tremors. My legs are stretched out together, my feet just hanging over the edge of the padding and my arms hanging down by my sides almost touching the floor.

This is it.

I hear Sam’s voice, a whisper.


I nod.


“Firefly” She lets out a small ‘mm hmm’ in approval.

“Give me the red alert”

It’s our final signal, in case I’m not able to talk. I flex and unflex my fingers rapidly three times, and it helps me calm a little. I can stop this anytime.

“Good girl.”

Then I smell rubber and something presses to my lips, I part them, and a big ball is forced in my mouth. I gasp as the straps go round my head, hands draw my hair high into a topknot and is fixed there with a elastic hairband. Now I’m blind and mute.

How many people are here? a fair few from the murmured conversations. The music has shifted to Depeche Mode’s ‘In Your Room’ I love this song but the lyrics, always arousing, ratchet my excitement up another notch.

Hands grasp my wrists and draw them behind my back. Male hands I think. I feel rope around my elbows, drawing them together. The hands are cautious, checking my flexibility as they bind them in position. I’m pretty glad as if they’re bound too tightly, they can ache after a while, but this will be fine.

My wrists are bound too, the ropes cinching snugly.

Oh my God, this is intense. I am really doing this?

“Get ready.” Sam’s voice in my ear. “Don’t forget the signals. But you’ve drawn attention, there’s quite a few people here, so… we could tick several things off your wishlist tonight if you’re up to it?”

I nod, not confirming so much as accepting. But I can’t qualify the action now, and any further attempt at communication is sent flying away as I feel my ankles drawn together.


I adore having my ankles bound, it’s so hard to explain why, it’s just… everything; the tightness, the way my ankles feel in stockings bound by rope, a whole plethora of sensations. Against any conscious will, I feel my hips flex. A shudder as my sex clenches.

“Jesus… see that?” That was a man’s voice, deep and dark.

Then more rope below my knees and this time my moan is audible. I feel my ankles tied off to something so I can’t bend my legs.

I’m really helpless.

This is so arousing.

I know what’s coming, this is following our rough game plan. But when I feel the flogger kiss my arse I still jump, gasping. No pain, just a quick thud, but it’s so hot. Then another thud to my other cheek, then steady alternating strokes, left, right, left, right, then a pause. Hands… more than two, caress my skin, and my buttocks tingle with warmth.

More thuds… steady patterns… I lose track of time, all I can think about is those thuds, the small pauses, the hands brushing gently, intense and building arousal. My hips are undulating on their own, my sex craving something, anything. But bound like this I’m unable to touch or do anything for myself.

After some time, there’s a pause, and Sam’s voice.

“You OK?”

I nod, accompanied by a soft moan.

“Phase two?”

I don’t hesitate, I nod again. I feel the buckles released on the gag and I move my jaw a little, stretching my mouth wide. I’d no idea I’d been biting down so hard.

The ropes around my legs are released, only to be rebound, ankle to thigh now. That is so hot! The hands binding me, again several pairs, do the task quickly and deftly.

My legs are parted wide and tied off to something.

“Sure? You’re on show…”

“Please Mistress, I’m on fire.”

“I know, you look so fucking hot. OK then, phase two it is, do you want a pause for phase three or…?”

“Just do it, all of it… please Mistress.”

She laughs a throaty laugh.

“She’s all yours,” I hear her say.

I shiver at the words, and then I feel something smooth slide into my sex, it feels like a rabbit. My hips flex again and again on some internal rhythm as I feel them use a rope to tie it deep inside me.

I’m all need and hunger. My hips are moving, rocking, I think, even just like this, I could climax soon. I hear appreciative murmurs and chuckles. I’ve been there, seen a sub bound and hungry with desire and marvelled that anyone could get past the fact this is all while being watched. But now it’s me, and the fact that people are watching me, like this, seems the hottest thing in the world.

“Ahh…. Ahhh.” I’m unable to suppress the moans as I rock against the rabbit. It’s not even on, and I’m in heat.

“Now.” That’s Sam again.

I smell leather, musk, some sort of cologne and then there’s a cock in my mouth.

I moan loudly as I tighten my lips around him and suck him deeper.

“Jesus.” The deep, dark voice speaks above me. I like that voice, like chocolate and danger all in one.

Then he moves and I move with him, using my lips and tongue to coax him, urge him. I’ve never enjoyed blowjobs in a vanilla setting, but with bondage, it’s like I’m a different girl and I want him there. With the dildo in me it’s like I’m being fucked at both ends and I bob my head as best as I can in this position as large hands grasp the sides of my head as he really starts to get into it.

My climax isn’t far away, all my fantasies coming true. I’m utterly helpless, bound, held, and I’m being used. It’s everything I ever dream about.

I’m so close to climaxing, and then he pulls out of my mouth and I’m bereft, robbed.

“Ahhh no, please.” I gasp, but even as I speak I feel the ropes holding the rabbit loosened, and it’s eased out.

“Fuck, she’s dripping.” A woman’s voice behind me.

“Please!” I moan.

That same deep dark voice is in my ear and I shiver in delight.

“I want to fuck you, but you have to agree.”

I nod, eagerly.

“Oh God, yes, please.”

“You sure?”

“PLEASE!” It’s almost a sob. “Please, I need it.”

“Good girl.”

My sex clenched hard at the words, then large hands are on my waist, and I’m impaled. Jesus He’s bigger than it felt in my mouth, he goes in deep and holds there, waiting for something.

I soon find out what as another cock brushes my lips and I part them eagerly. A new dick, shorter but thicker slides between my lips and I hungrily tighten around him and lick and suck.


I’m in sheer bliss.

And then they move. I’m trapped between them as they start. The new man at my head grasps my ponytail, tugging it back to tilt my head up so he can see my face, as he rocks back and forth, going a fraction deeper each time; while behind me, the dark voiced man starts to fuck me; slowly, matching pace with the other man so each thrust traps me between them. The man behind pushing me onto the cock in my mouth, the one in front holding me fast as I’m fucked.

God this is amazing.

I feel fingers, feminine, familiar fingers interlace with my own hand bound behind me.

“You’re fucking amazing.” Sam says, “you have one hell of a crowd now.”

That makes me even more eager, and I’m sucking and licking as best I can as the man fucks my mouth. And that large cock deep inside fills me and I cry out around the cock as my orgasm suddenly arrives. I’m hit by wave after undulating wave of pulsing heat and need. Liquid is trickling between my thighs, my sex clenching around his shaft. A harsh grunt of ‘fuck’ and I sense him pulse and surge as he cums. Just as he does so, the man in my mouth grasps my ponytail tight as he hisses.


And I’m filled with cum at both ends. My climax seems to go on and on, I’m riding the waves as my whole body pulses with each burst. I’ve never cum like this, never even close. Time stretches. All I am is this moment, this body, this orgasm and those cocks in me, using me.

Slowly everything starts to unwind, a moment of stillness as the men take a moment, and I begin the slow come down from that incredible high.

My lips glisten with cum as the man pulls out, patting my head affectionately like a good puppy. I gasp with a mix of an uncomfortably quick withdrawal and aftershock of climax. I run my tongue over my lips and, for once, the taste of cum seems fine, more than fine. I must have swallowed most of it, and I never even noticed. That’s a first, I never even thought about spitting it out.

“You OK?” Sam sounds concerned.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I gasp, still tasting cum in my mouth. “That was… amazing. Jesus!”

“Are you done? Want out?” She sounds unsure.

That floors me, I’m still glowing, still feeling tingles and shudders of that climax.

“Uhhhh… Am I crazy if I say no?”

Sam laughs. “I sort of expected it. But this has been very intense for your first time, perhaps we should leave it here and let you process this, and then maybe next time….”

She’s probably right, this has been so intense, and as much as I enjoyed it, maybe I need to chill and reflect before diving in headfirst too deep into the rabbit hole. Still, I can’t stop myself from smiling.

Next time.



Tantalizing Tales

Brit Bisexual Sub She/her. Trying to balance my views, to understand both sides, to be fair, to learn, to challenge and to grow. Proud kinkster