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The Licentious Librarian, Chp. 1

A young man gets schooled by a bookish woman.

Jackson Goode
Published in
10 min readMar 6, 2022


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During the summer of my sophomore year in college, I got a job working at the public library. The head librarian was a lady named Janet Paul. She looked every bit the part of a stereotypical librarian. Her modest clothes, sensible shoes, black horn-rimmed glasses, and steel grey hair piled in a tight bun on top of her head all matched her job title. She also had a stern, no-nonsense attitude that rubbed most people the wrong way. Since I’d grown up with a mother and grandmother who were much the same she didn’t bother me.

Where most of the other employees avoided her like the plague, I went out of my way to be nice to her. I would always smile and speak and frequently volunteered to help her. It took a while, but eventually, my boyish charm and stunning good looks softened her and she would return my smiles and sometimes even joke with me.

One Friday afternoon she asked if I could load several boxes of books into her car. When I’d finished, I asked, “Would you like for me to follow you home and unload these for you, Ms. Paul.”



Jackson Goode
Tantalizing Tales

Top Writer in Fiction on Medium. Dark, gritty crime fiction and steamy erotica. Vengeful violence with touches of hot sex and black humor sprinkled in. NSFW