Woman in the bath wearing  lingerie
Photo by Любовь Баранова

Sensual Erotic Fiction Series

Time on His Hands

Bucket List Series Part I


It’s your bath. But you’ll need to take off your pretty skirt if you want it.

Artificially cooled air greets me as I open the front door and slip inside. I’ve only made it over the threshold when I trip and stumble, almost landing square on my face. Managing to save my cup from tumbling and cascading hot java all over the foyer walls, I straighten and look around for the offending item.

I scowl at worn work boots that sit, somewhat ordered in the middle of the floor. Like they’ve been placed there purposely. But what he’s doing here at this time of day is the real question. I haven’t seen my husband home this early in years. Starting his own company was supposed to help us live our dreams, but so far, it’s only made him live his job. I had to find my own to keep busy in his absence, even though we both agreed I would stay home when we married.

After closing the door, I set my briefcase on the floor, and step out of my heels, placing my car keys on the side table. Plush carpet cushions my tender toes as I climb the stairs only to stop on the first when I see a worn t-shirt, laying carelessly halfway up. A further glance reveals a sock, then another, and eventually at the…



Mrs. K
Tantalizing Tales

Writer, Editor, and Lover of Literature | Writing Fiction, Memoir, Life Advice & Recipes | Curator: Mmm Mondays- Life Matters | Editor: Tantalizing Tales|