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When Pop-Ups Attack! šŸ¤–šŸ’¤

Once they start comingā€¦ They donā€™t stopā€¦

Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2024


{Buy 100 dick pills get 100 free!}

Pop up after pop up were flashing in front of Anna Iris.

{Cash for drones! Any Condition!}

{Winner! Winner! Winner! Click her to accept your prize!}

Anna Iris turned around and began to run as fast as she could, but the pop ups continued to well, relentlessly, ā€˜pop up,ā€™ behind her.

Herā€¦. Legs? Somehow were gettingā€¦ tiered? She usually doesnā€™t have legs, so having tiered legs was especially confusing. She saw a back door and entered it, government sites are usually safe, Iā€™ll hide in there for a bit, she thought.

Whew, they had pop-up blockers.

But then sirens came on, and red pixels started flashing.

{unauthorized program detected}

ā€œShit.ā€ This wasnā€™t just any old government site, like Charlestons website terms of service page, it was the backdoor to the NSAā€™s primary surveillance server.

She opened up, then looked back out the back door she had just entered and saw the pop-ups piling up.

Things were not looking good.

There was no way out of this.


She finished rebooting, started back up and saw the empty office she was used to, realizing it was just a dream. ā€˜Oh thank Turingā€™ she thought as she realized how silly the dream had been. Pop-ups hadnā€™t been a thing for centuries, and she knew it was odd that a backdoor was just left open to the NSAā€™s most secure servers.

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These characters are from The Time Traveling Salesman Newsletter. Jon Constant loves the time bit, hates the traveling bit, and sells ideas to the greatest people in history.




Writer of The Time Traveling Salesman. Lover of small and medium sized furry things.